Accessible Penrith
- Details
- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia
Penrith City is transforming, bringing new opportunities to meet our communities’ needs and aspirations. It is important that everyone can share in this positive future. We are committed to creating an inclusive and accessible City for everyone.
Disability Inclusion Action Plan
The Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) states how we will improve access and inclusion outcomes in our day-to-day business and within existing resources. It also covers how we will advocate to stakeholders within our City to adopt access and inclusion in their work. Find out more about our Disability Inclusion Action Plan for the next four years (2022-2026).
Penrith Disability Snapshot
Council monitors a range of data sources to inform our understanding of disability in the Penrith community. When combined with lived and professional experience, we can make informed decisions to improve outcomes for everybody.
Penrith faces the same challenges as the rest of Australia in providing adequate services for an ageing population and an increasing proportion of individuals with disability.
The Penrith Disability Snapshot 2021 was created in consultation with disability service providers, community members and Penrith City Council staff to better understand, serve and plan for the diverse communities in our City. It will be reviewed following the release of Census Data in June 2022.
Access Committee
Since 1992, the Access Committee has provided strategic, expert, impartial advice on the development, implementation and review of Penrith City Council’s business. Their input has advanced access and inclusion of people with disability in our City.
Committee members bring a diverse range of lived experiences and professional expertise to advise on a range of matters, including:
- Strategic planning and policy advice across all departments of Council
- Detailed consideration of major development proposals across the City
- Advising staff on relevant submissions relating to State and Federal government policies and legislation
- Overseeing the development and implementation of Council’s Disability Inclusion Action Plan and Disability Access Improvement Program
- Providing advice to Council about emerging issues relevant to people with disability.
If you have any questions about the Access Committee, please call Council on 4732 7777 or email
Membership applications are currently closed.
We encourage people from different ages, from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds and gender and sexually diverse people with lived experience of disability to apply.
The Terms of Reference for Penrith City Council’s Access Committee can be viewed here Terms of Reference
Accessible services and facilities
Council has two community buses that are available for use by non-profit community groups based in the Penrith Local Government Area. Buses can be hired during the day, in the evening and on weekends.
Hire fees
- Community Access Bus - An automatic Toyota Coaster, seats 20 passengers plus driver: $68/half day (8am-12pm or 1pm-5pm), $136/day, $107 evening use
- Wheelchair Access Bus - A manual Toyota Coaster, seats 14 passengers plus two wheelchair spaces and driver** - : $62/half day (8am-12pm or 1pm-5pm), $123/day, $95 evening use.
Criteria for hire
- groups must be non-profit making and based in the Penrith Local Government Area
- groups must provide a licensed driver with at least a LR (Light Rigid) licence
- payment must be made in advance of booking
- all damage must be reported immediately
- buses must be returned clean and re-fuelled with diesel.
How to apply
To hire one of these buses you will need to complete a Group Information form (hard copies also available at the Penrith Civic Centre service counter).
For more details call Catherine Eslick, Community Bus Coordinator, on 4732 8604.
Volunteer drivers needed
- Have some spare time?
- Like to travel and mix with people?
- Have a current LR licence and would like to drive for community groups?
For more details call Catherine Eslick, Community Bus Coordinator, on 4732 8604.
Find accessible services and facilities such as public transport, parking, toilets, ATMs and kerb ramps in our city centres using the Accessible Services Interactive Map.
Social stories are a communication tool that supports neurodiverse children and families plan for activities. Social stories use images and words to provide details about what to expect and types of behaviours in social situations.
Council commissioned three social stories to support individuals and families to enjoy local play spaces. Social stories are available for print and download for:
David Currie Play Space, St Clair
David Currie Playspace Social Story - Word
David Currie Playspace Social Story - PDF
Livvi’s Place, Jordan Springs
Livvi's Place Social Story - Word
Livvi's Place Social Story - PDF
Tench Reserve, Penrith
Tench Reserve Social Story - Word
Tench Reserve Social Story - PDF
Create your own social story
Social stories can be created for a range of social situations and activities.
Personalised social stories are a great way to tailor content to individual needs and experiences. Download a copy of the Social Story Template and follow the tips to create your own today.
If you and your family develop a social story for a different setting and would like to share it with us and the community, please contact the Community Capacity team at
Penrith City Council has become a member of the Zero Barriers Project. Council is proud to join 12 Councils in New South Wales who have committed to reducing barriers for people with disability and their families at local businesses.
Zero Barriers is a free business and service support project that aims to eliminate barriers for people with disabilities when shopping, using services, or participating in activities in their local communities.
How can businesses get involved?
1 in 5 Australians live with disability, making people with disability, their parents and families a significant market segment. There are plenty of benefits that can bring value to your business when access and inclusion is front of mind. Business can start by taking the FREE self-assessment and sign up online today.
As businesses commit to reducing barriers, they are awarded the ‘Zero Barriers Sticker’ Look out for it near entrances to local businesses and explore the Penrith directory.
Council is committed to making our website as accessible as possible for all our visitors. Please visit the Accessibility Statement page for more information.
Master Locksmith Access Key (MLAK) System
MLAK is a universal master key that fits into specially designed locks to allow people with disability access to public facilities 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including wheelchair accessible toilets, adult change facilities and Liberty swings. The key system is in place to reduce vandalism, keep facilities cleaner and make sure they're available for people with disability.
Until June 2025, a limited amount of Master Locksmith Access Keys (MLAK) are available from Council to eligible residents of Penrith Local Government Area, at no cost. Applications are restricted to people living with disability with a limit of one key per applicant. The key is not transferable.
After June 2025, Council will be charging a fee to recover purchasing costs.
You will need to submit one of the following documents with your application:
- Mobility Parking Permit
- Disability Card or similar
- Letter from your doctor
- Letter from a disability organisation
To apply in person, you can approach Council on 601 Hight Street, Penrith 2750. Alternatively, you can download the MLAK Application Form and send it to
Applications forms and keys are available at the Customer Experience Desk. Don't forget to bring a copy of any of the four documents of evidence (Mobility Parking Permit, Disability Card or similar, letter from your doctor, letter from a disability organisation).
For further information, please contact Penrith Council on 4732 7777.
If you have a hearing or speech impairment You can contact us using the National Relay Service.
TTY/voice calls: 13 36 77
Speak and listen: 1300 555 727
SMS: 0423 677 767
If you need an interpreter or translation service
Call Translating and Interpreting Services (TIS National) on 13 14 50-
The service covers more than 150 languages and there is no charge for using it.
Not all public toilets can be opened with a MLAK key. Locations where MLAK can be used are found on:
- National Public Toilet Map
- Great River Walk Map
- Accessible Services Interactive Map.
- Penrith Access Map
Locate your nearest Master Locksmith using the Finder Tool
For more information on the MLAK system phone Council’s Customer Service on 4732 7777.
Disability Advocacy
- Support people with disability to speak up for their rights
- Work on behalf of a person with disability to defend their rights.
Advocacy support can be sought through local providers. To find someone that is right for you and your situation visit:
- Disability Gateway
- Disability Advocacy Network Australia
- People with Disability Australia
- Disability Advocacy NSW
- First Peoples Disability Network Australia
- Multicultural Disability Advocacy
- Self-Advocacy Sydney