Western Sydney City Deal

Western Sydney City Deal

The future of Western Sydney as a great place to live, work or invest is much more assured because of the significant investment in the region after a landmark agreement between Federal, State and eight Local Councils in the Western Sydney City Deal.

The Western Sydney City Deal is about planning first and building second, providing a bold new approach for how our region is designed and delivered in the coming years. The deal unifies Federal, State and Local governments to focus on the most important projects to residents of the new Western Parkland City.

It will deliver much needed investment in infrastructure and job creation, and at its centre is a commitment from Federal and State Governments to jointly fund Stage One of the North South Rail Link, from St Marys to the Badgerys Creek Aerotropolis and Western Sydney Airport, in time for the first day of airport operations.

Through the Western Sydney City Deal’s Liveability Program, the Penrith community’s vision for the Nepean River is becoming a reality. Penrith Council’s successful application to the Program has secured $24 million for upgrades to Regatta Park. The Australian and NSW Governments have committed $15 million to the project, with a $9 million contribution from Penrith Council.These upgrades include new event and festival areas, picnic spaces, river terraces, a regional playground for children and a potential future dining precinct with expansive river views.

The City Deal offers many benefits to Penrith residents and confirms commitments from the three levels of government to deliver projects under six (6) priority areas over the next 20 years.

The new Western Parkland City will be one of Australia’s most connected cities. In an emerging 30-minute city, innovative public transport, aviation and digital infrastructure will bring residents closer to jobs, centres, education and the world.

Key features:

  • North South Rail Link (from St Marys to the Aerotropolis via Western Sydney Airport) connecting people with new high-value jobs and the world
  • Rapid bus services linking Liverpool, Penrith and Campbelltown with the Aerotropolis by the opening of the Airport.
  • Exploring 5G network and smart digital technology to generate opportunities for creative, digital and technology businesses and better connected communities.

The Western Parkland City will create 200,000 new jobs across a wide range of industries over the next 20 years. The Airport and Aerotropolis will attract infrastructure, investment and knowledge-intensive jobs, and the benefits will flow into health and education, retail, hospitality, and industrial activities that will power the City.

Key features:

  • The Badgerys Creek Aerotropolis will be a world-class employment sector for jobs in aviation, aerospace, defence industries and advanced manufacturing.
  • A high employment agribusiness precinct to leverage the airport by providing new domestic and export opportunities for NSW farmers.
  • An Investment Attraction Fund and Western Sydney Investment Attraction Office.
  • Western Sydney Development Authority to plan and develop the genesis of the Aerotropolis.
  • Establishing the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission in Penrith.
  • Releasing government land to drive economic growth.
  • Targets for Indigenous employment, social employment and procurement.

Residents of the Western Parkland City will have access to the best in education and skills training opportunities. A new university, schools and VET facilities will align with the high-skilled businesses and industries of the Aerotropolis.

Key features:

  • Aerospace Institute
    • expressions of interest for a STEM university
    • Aerotropolis VET facility to upskill future workforces
    • high-performance secondary school connecting students with aviation, engineering, science and the industries of the Aerotropolis
  • TAFE Skills Exchange to grow talent in the construction of the Western Sydney Airport.

The Western Parkland City has a unique landscape that is surrounded by protected natural assets. Its future neighbourhoods will be even more liveable and sustainable. Local project funding will create healthy and active communities that build on their strengths and support open spaces.

Key features:

  • Western Parkland City Liveability Program to support local character, wellbeing and belonging in communities - $24 million has been committed to the upgrade of Regatta Park on the banks of the Nepean River.
  • Restoring and protecting the South Creek corridor to form a sustainable urban parkland.
  • Strategic Assessment under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth).

Innovative approaches to planning for and delivering housing will ensure that growth is balanced with maintaining the local character of the Western Parkland City.

Key features:

  • A Western Parkland City Planning Partnership to achieve better outcomes in planning approvals
  • A $30 million Western Parkland City housing package to ensure sustainable growth including:
    • streamlined and optimised planning practices to support future growth
    • short- and long-term housing targets and housing strategies
  • Growth Infrastructure Compacts piloted to match housing and jobs growth with delivery of infrastructure.

The Federal, State and local governments will work together in an enduring tri-level governance model to support the growth, success and sustainability of the Western Parkland City. The City Deal will be reviewed after three years and progress can be tracked in a number of ways; annual reports, monitoring key performance metrics, and ongoing updates from ministers and local government representatives.

The City Deal provides a framework to create a smart city that is more liveable, more productive, more skilled and more innovative. Penrith Council has and will continue to work hard on delivering; new local jobs, better connectivity to job centres, and greater housing and lifestyle options. The City Deal offers exceptional opportunities for Penrith, it is the start of something big for our region.

Read more about the Western Sydney City Deal at:

Read more about the North South Rail Link at:

Role of the Western Sydney Planning Partnership and transition of work from Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.

Planning for the Aerotropolis is now being undertaken by the Western Sydney Planning Partnership (Planning Partnership).

The establishment of the Western Sydney Planning Partnership is a commitment of the Western Sydney City Deal. The Western Sydney Planning Partnership provides a coordinated State and local government framework to achieve more efficient and higher quality outcomes for Western Sydney through innovative and collaborative planning. The Western Sydney Planning Partnership will enable coordinated delivery of the rezoning of land that also integrates with the planning and delivery of infrastructure.

The Western Sydney Planning Partnership comprises of representatives of all eight (8) Western Parkland City councils as well as Blacktown Council, and representatives from the NSW Department of Planning and Environment, Transport for NSW, Sydney Water and the Greater Sydney Commission.

Stage 1 Land Use and Infrastructure Implementation Plan

From 21 August to 2 November 2018, the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) exhibited the Stage 1 Land Use and Infrastructure Implementation Plan (Stage 1 Plan) for the Western Sydney Aerotropolis. During this time people were able to have their say through:

  • three drop-in sessions (6 September 2018, 10 September 2018, 15 September 2018)
  • land owner and industry one-on-one meetings
  • five community group meetings and two public meetings
  • phone calls, surveys and social media
  • Making a submission to the Stage 1 LUIIP.

More than 600 submissions were received on the Stage 1 LUIIP. Thank you to everyone who participated and provided feedback. Submissions have been individually numbered from 001 through to 608 and can be accessed on the Department’s Plans and Policies website on the planning portal .

The Western Sydney Planning Partnership now has the responsibility for delivering the Final Land Use and Infrastructure Implementation Plan (the Final Plan) and Precinct Plans for the initial three precincts of Aerotropolis Core, Northern Gateway and South Creek – Wianamatta for the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces. The Planning Partnership is considering the issues raised in submissions to inform the next stage of planning for the Western Sydney Aerotropolis. This includes confirming whether additional initial precincts should be identified.

The Planning Partnership can be contacted by email at .

‘What We Heard’, Community Consultation Report

The Western Sydney Planning Partnership has finalised a ‘What We Heard’, Community Consultation Report which reflects the exhibition of the Stage 1 LUIIP. The report provides an overview of the public engagement approach, identifies key issues and themes raised; and outlines commitments for the next steps in the progressing the planning for the Western Sydney Aerotropolis. The report can be accessed on the Department’s Plans and Policies website on the planning portal .