
Acquisition of Property

Advertising on Council premises

Advertising on Council’s Bus Shelters Policy

Affordable Rental Housing Contribution Implementation Policy

Alcohol Free Public Spaces Policy

Asbestos Policy

Buildings Policy

Cemeteries Policy

Child Safe Policy

Code of Conduct Policy

Code of Meeting Practice

Community Assistance Program

Community Engagement Policy

Community Gardens Policy

Community Infrastructure Policy

Complaints Management Policy

Compliance and Enforcement Policy

Concrete Footpaving

Donations to Amateur Sports - Persons and Representatives in the fields of Art, Music, Culture

Enterprise Risk Management Framework Policy

Erection of Bunting

Events Sponsorship Policy

Fees & Charges 23-24

Feral and Infant Animals Policy

Food Trucks on Council Land in the Penrith City Centre Policy

Fraud and Corruption Prevention Policy

Government Information GIPA Policy

Grant Applications by Council Staff

Hoardings Policy

Interaction between Councillors and staff policy

Keeping of Animals Local Orders Policy

Kerb, guttering and Footpath Charges for places of Worship

Managing Conflict of Interests for Council Related Development Applications Policy

Managing Difficult Customer Behaviour policy

Mobile Local Food and Homelessness Support Services Policy

Naming of Parks and Reserves

Negotiation and Consensus policy

Neighbourhood Facilities Management Policy

On Site Sewage Management and Greywater Reuse Policy

Organisational Communications Policy

Outdoor Dining Policy

Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities to the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillors Policy

Penrith City Council Brand

Penrith City Council Volunteer Policy

Penrith City Council Work Health and Safety Policy

Penrith Developer Agreements Policy

Privacy Management Plan

Procurement Policy

Public Domain Lighting Policy

Public Interest Disclosure Policy

Rates or Accounts Written Off Policy

Roadside Memorials

Shade Facilities at Playspaces Policy

Signs Leading to Public Facilities

Smoke Free Outdoor Areas Policy

Special Place Usage Policy

Stormwater Drainage Policy

Street Performers Policy

Subsidies to Performance Groups Program

Sustainability Policy

Sustainable Events Policy

The Placement of Memorial Trees and Park Furniture Policy

Unsolicited Requests To Purchase Council Owned Land Policy

Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) Policy