Library Branches

Library Branches

601 High Street, Penrith

Telephone: Within Australia - (02) 4732 7891 
Telephone: From overseas +61 2 47327891 

Contact us via the Online Services portal here

Normal operating hours

  • Mon-Thu: 9am-8pm
  • Fri-Sat: 9am-5pm
  • Sun: 10am-5pm

About Penrith Central Library

Penrith Central Library is the central and largest branch at 3000m2. The Home Library is also based at Penrith. Along with our usual services, the Central library provides the Research Services, an extensive archive of local history documents and local expert staff available for research advice.

Collection Strengths

Penrith Library provides a full range of lending categories, both fiction and non-fiction, and formats for all ages. Our collections include the latest bestsellers, classics and a wealth of books for you discover both new and established authors from Australia and the world. 

Childrens’ library

The childrens’ library section includes volumes for all ages, including picture books, graded readings, first chapter books as well as titles from the Premiers Reading Challenge list. This is complemented by the quarterly Orbit newsletter, and regular activities for children and young people. as well as holiday activities, a toy library and regular activities for under 5s each week during the school term.

Regular weekly activity sessions

For information on our current programs, please click here.

News and foreign languages

Daily newspapers are available to read and there is large range of DVDs and audio CDs to borrow. A small language collection is also available, including international magazine editions.

Online resources

An extensive collection of online resources including eBooks, eAudio, eMagazines, full text newspaper articles, encyclopaedias, a wide variety of research databases and the language learning program, Transparent Language Online, are available both in the library and from home 24/7 via the library catalogue.

Studiosity, an online tutoring service, is also available for students ranging from years 3 to 12, TAFE and university level and provides assistance from Australian tutors via a messaging service and app. Online services require a current library card membership number to access.

Research Services

The central branch is also the major repository of local history material, housing a comprehensive Local Studies Collection in the Research Room. A Technical Library, housed in the same room, is a collection of support material for Council staff. The library provides a photographic database of selected historical photographs. All resources are available via the library catalogue.

Library Features

Study spaces
The central library has desk seating capacity for approximately 180 people as well as lounge seating. Two small study rooms are available to book and the Peter Goodfellow Theatrette, which has seating for up to 80 people in theatre seating arrangement or 30 people in table conference mode, is also available for hire. Conditions do apply for all bookings and room hire - please see staff or contact the library on (02) 4732 7891 for further details.


  • Check-Out Terminals and Return Shelves
    The Penrith branch has 5 self-serve check-out terminals for customers to use to borrow library items as they leave the library. Customers can also return their own loans by placing them on radio frequency identification enabled return shelves.
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Internet Access (Freenet) 
    Free access provided to a restricted range of selected websites and library subscription services.
  • Internet Access (Paynet) 
    Full public internet access in the Library - fees and conditions apply.
  • Computer section 
    Terminals with USB ports are available for word processing. Programs include Microsoft Word, Excel, Publisher and PowerPoint as well as Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  • Educational Interactive Games for Children 
    Terminals are available in the children’s area.
  • Printing and Photocopying 
    A library card or a technology card is required for printing. Credit must be prepaid through the Library's Monitor system. For a full lists of fees please see staff or contact the Library on (02) 4732 7891. 
  • Scanning
    Available free of charge.
  • Microfilm and Microfiche
    Both can be scanned to a PC for printing or transferred to a USB.
  • Web Print
    Web Print or wireless printing from your device is now available at all branches via Monitor.


  • NVDA (NonVisual Desktop Access) 
    A screen reader that enables people who are vision-impaired to use computers by reading aloud text on the screen.  All Library PCs have this program installed.
  • Hearing Mats
  • Smartview Magnifier
    Will magnify and read back to you your letters, photos, forms, newspapers etc.
  • Height adjustable PC and study table (electric).
  • Disabled bathroom and parent room available.

Penrith Library Theatrette

The venue is available 7 days during Penrith Library opening hours. Setup is the hirer’s responsibility. For enquiries contact us via the Online Services portal here or call (02) 4732 7889.

To view more information including facilities, pricing, hire conditions and to make an online booking please go to the Penrith Library Theatrette page.

Other facilities

  • External return chute available 24/7
  • Community and Library Noticeboard
  • Community Group Display Cabinets available for not-for-profit community groups to display crafts and collectables
  • Public toilets (including MLAK disabled access toilet) and parent room available

Penrith Library Entrance

207 - 209 Queen Street, St Marys 
Telephone:(02) 4732 7455 

Normal operating hours:

  • Mon-Thu: 9am-8pm
  • Fri-Sat: 9am-5pm
  • Sun: 10am-5pm

About St Marys Library

St Marys Library is the second largest branch in the Penrith area. The Resources section (i.e. the Library staff who catalogue the Library's collection) and the Library Children’s Inclusion Service are also housed St Marys. Total area of both these spaces is 920m2.

Collection Strengths

St Marys Library provides a full range of lending categories, both fiction and non-fiction, and formats for all ages. They include the latest bestsellers as well as established and more recent authors from Australia and overseas.

Childrens’ library

The childrens’ section includes picture books, graded readers, first chapter books as well as titles from the Premiers Reading Challenge list.

Regular weekly activity sessions

For information on our current programs, please click here.

News and foreign languages

Daily newspapers are available to read and there is large range of DVDs and audio CDs to borrow. A small language collection is also available.

Online resources

An extensive collection of online resources including eBooks, eAudio, eMagazines, full text newspaper articles, encyclopaedias, a wide variety of research databases and the language learning program, Transparent Language Online, are available both in the library and from home 24/7 via the library catalogue.

Studiosity, an online tutoring service, is also available for students ranging from years 3 to 12, TAFE and university level and provides assistance from Australian tutors via a messaging service and app. Online services require a current library card membership number to access.

Library Features

Study spaces

Desk seating capacity for approximately 30 people as well as lounge seating capacity. St Marys Library doesn't have designated study rooms or ‘quiet study’ areas.


  • Check-Out Terminals and Return Shelves 
    St Marys branch has two self-serve check-out terminals for customers to use to borrow library items as they leave the library. Customers can also return their own loans by placing them on radio frequency identification enabled return shelves.
  • Free Wi-Fi 
    A free service available to all library visitors (both members and non-members of the library) to use on their own devices.
  • Internet Access (Paynet) 
    Full public internet access in the Library - fees and conditions apply.
  • Internet Access (Freenet) 
    Free access provided to a restricted range of selected websites and library subscription services.
  • Computer section
    Terminals with USB ports are available for word processing.  Programs include Microsoft Word, Excel, Publisher and PowerPoint as well as Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  • Educational Interactive Games for Children
    Terminals are available in the children's area.  
  • Printing and Photocopying 
    A library card or a technology card is required for printing. Credit must be prepaid through the Library's Monitor system. For a full lists of fees please see staff or contact the Library on (02) 4732 7455.
  • Scanning
    Available free of charge. 
  • Web Print
    Web Print or wireless printing from your device is now available at all branches via Monitor.


  • NVDA (NonVisual Desktop Access) 
    A screen reader that enables people who are vision-impaired to use computers by reading aloud text on the screen.  All Library PCs have this program installed.
  • Hearing Mats
  • Smartview Magnifier
    Will magnify and read back to you your letters, photos, forms, newspapers etc.
  • Height adjustable PC and study table (electric).

Other facilities

  • Community and Library Noticeboard
  • Public toilets (including disabled access) and Parent Room facilities are available.

st marys library

Shop 12, St Clair Shopping Centre, Bennett Road and Endeavour Avenue 
Telephone: 9670 6853

Normal operating hours:

  • Mon-Fri: 9.30am-5pm
  • Sat: 9am-1pm
  • Sun: Closed

About St Clair Library

St Clair Public Library is the third largest (460 m2) of Penrith City Library's branches. Housed in the St Clair Shopping Centre, the Library services nearby primary and high schools as well as a large residential area. The Library offers clients the convenience of a 'shop front' location, surrounded by ample parking.

Collection Strengths

St Clair library has over 25,000 items and is regularly refreshed with new stock. The range of lending categories and formats suitable for all age groups, includes print, DVD and audio formats as well as graphic novels, newspapers and magazines.

Childrens’ library

The childrens’ section includes picture books, graded readers, first chapter books as well as titles from the Premiers Reading Challenge list.

Regular weekly activity sessions

For information on our current programs, please click here.

Online resources, study, newspapers and foreign language resources

An extensive collection of online resources including eBooks, eAudio, eMagazines, full text newspaper articles, encyclopaedias, a wide variety of research databases and the language learning program, Transparent Language Online, are available both in the library and from home 24/7 via the library catalogue.

The collection does not support specialist or tertiary level print materials. For these resources, members are referred either to the online services or to the larger collections at Penrith Central Library. Studiosity, an online tutoring service, is also available for students ranging from years 3 to 12, TAFE and university level and provides assistance from Australian tutors via a messaging service and app. Online services require a current library card membership number to access.


Study space 
Desk seating capacity for approximately 18 people as well as lounge seating capacity. St Clair Library doesn't have designated study rooms or ‘quiet study’ areas.


  • Check-Out Terminal 
    St Clair Library has a self-serve check-out terminal for customers to use to borrow library items as they leave the library.
  • Free Wi-Fi 
    A free service available to all library visitors (both members and non-members of the library) to use on their own devices.
  • Internet Access (Freenet) 
    Free access provided to a restricted range of selected websites and library subscription services.
  • Internet Access (Paynet) 
    Full public internet access in the Library - fees and conditions apply.
  • Computer section
    Terminals with USB ports are available for word processing.  Programs include Microsoft Word, Excel, Publisher and PowerPoint as well as Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  • Educational Interactive Games for Children
    Terminals are available in the children's area.  
  • Printing and Photocopying 
    A library card or a technology card is required for printing. Credit must be prepaid through the Library's Monitor system. For a full lists of fees please see staff or contact the Library on (02) 4732 7891.
  • Scanning
    Available free of charge. 
  • Web Print
    Web Print or wireless printing from your device is now available at all branches via Monitor.


  • NVDA (NonVisual Desktop Access) 
    A screen reader that enables people who are vision-impaired to use computers by reading aloud text on the screen.  All Library PCs have this program installed.
  • Hearing Mats

Other facilities

  • After-hours external return chute.
  • Community and Library Noticeboard

An interior shot of St Clair Library

The Anytime Library hosts 352 book and DVD items available for borrowing by Penrith City Libraries’ members during the HomeCo Glenmore Park Town Centre opening hours. Genres include Junior, Youth and Adult Fiction, Non Fiction, Graphic Novels, Audiobooks and DVDs. Browse the Anytime Library collection.

Only items borrowed from the Anytime Library can be returned to the Anytime Library. 

HomeCoGlenmore Park Town Centre
Address: 1 Town Terrace, Glenmore Park
Location: The Anytime Library is located in the Aldi/Coles section of HomeCo Glenmore Park Town Centre on the first floor next to the lift and chemist.
Opening hours: Please see Centre’s trading hours.

Instructions on how to use the Anytime Library: 

Penrith Library App

Enjoy Penrith Library at your fingers tips!

Developed in collaboration with SOLUS, the Penrith City Library app is free and available to download for all iOS and Android devices.

  • Download the app from the Apple Store here
  • Download the app from Google Play here 

Top 10 things you can do with the app:

  1. Manage your account – renew and reserve items
  2. Link family members accounts to the one app (good for parents or those with elderly parents)
  3. eLibrary – link your eBooks, audiobooks and eMagazine accounts through the app
  4. Keep in touch with our social media
  5. Books tickets for upcoming adult and children events
  6. View our numerous online resources and databases
  7. View local history blog and view our digital collection of photos that are often featured in our #FlashbackFriday posts
  8. Scan the back of the barcode on any book to see if our library has a copy in the collection
  9. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Suggest a purchase through the app. We will contact you to let you know if we can purchase a copy for our collection
  10. Students needing help with their studies. Get in touch through the app with an online study tutor

A Home Library Service is available for members who are less mobile, are ill or have a disability. This service includes a monthly delivery of library items, locating library research materials (as requested) and providing support in the use of technology to access the Library’s online collections to all registered Home Library members. The Home Library Service operates from 9am-12pm Tuesdays to Thursdays and all services are free of charge. Phone: 4732 7612 or 4732 7891.

Home Library Service Application form

photo of Home Library Service volunteer sitting with a client on a home lounge looking at iPad

Justices of the Peace 

Volunteer Justices of the Peace (JPs) are available during selected times at Penrith, St Marys and St Clair.

All JP services must be booked via Eventbrite.

As times and dates are subject to change, please check on the availability of the JP before the session by contacting the relevant Library.

If there are other people waiting, the JP will certify a maximum of 10 documents at any one time.
Please visit the JP website by clicking here to access alternate services.

Penrith Library
Tuesday 9.30am - 11.30am
Wednesday 5.30pm - 7.30pm
Thursday 3.30pm - 5.30pm
Friday 11am - 2:30pm

St Marys Library
Thursday 2.30pm - 4.30pm

St Clair Library
Monday 2 - 4pm
Thursday 2 - 4pm

Penrith Library - Justices of the Peace






Household Energy Meters 

Save energy costs by borrowing a free PowerMate Meter from your local library. 

Easy to use, the Power-Mate enables households to identify and reduce energy costs by showing people how much their appliances cost to run. By simply connecting the meter between the appliance and power socket, the meter measures the electricity use, greenhouse gas emissions and energy costs of the appliance whilst in use or on standby.

For enquiries about loans or about becoming a member of the library please contact Penrith City Library on (02) 4732 7891.