Penrith Producers

Penrith Producers is a free, family-friendly event which features live music, kids’ activities, culinary delights and showcases the talented local makers, artists and producers in the Penrith area.

Penrith Producers returns in 2025, extending the offering to our local makers, creators, artists and food businesses and supporting our community to shop local.

Visit our events page to stay up to date with this event and more

Stallholder/vendor/artist information: 

Penrith Producers Stallholder Expressions of Interest have now closed.

We are accepting new applications from stallholders to be placed on our waitlist, in the event there is a vacancy. We may also use your details to inform you of other Council events and opportunities.
Preference will be given to local makers and businesses from the Penrith LGA and subsequent preference will be given to makers and businesses from the Blue Mountains and Hawkesbury regions. Additional consideration will be given to makers from Western Sydney more broadly, pending the quality of their offering/business.
A $50 stallholder fee applies per event; a full list of terms and conditions will be provided to successful applications.

Food and Artisian Salloholder Application Form