Our River Master Plan
- Details
- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 council@penrithcity.nsw.gov.au https://www.penrithcity.nsw.gov.au 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

The Our River Master Plan is a strategic plan developed with the community to provide a shared vision for the Nepean River's future.
The Our River Master Plan is a long term roadmap for the Nepean River Precinct - informed by the community's ideas and feedback. It sets out a framework to guide future planning and decision making, along with key actions to celebrate, activate and protect the Nepean River.
Originally developed in 2013, the Our River Master Plan has been the catalyst for more than $150 million in investment in venue, facilities and infrastructure improvements.Some of the priority projects delivered as a result of the Master Plan include:
- Police Cottage restoration
- Regatta Park upgrade
- Tench Reserve upgrade
- Boat Ramp and trailer parking
- Real Festival annual major event
Other ongoing improvements include new pathways, upgraded lighting, new viewing and fishing platforms, kayak launch pads, riverbank regeneration, and river health initiatives.
Penrith City Council is currently updating the Our River Master Plan to guide the next phase of planning and revitalisation of the Nepean River Precinct.
This project is proudly funded by the NSW Government in association with Penrith City Council.
The Nepean River is one of the defining features of Penrith. In 2013 Penrith City Council developed the ‘Our River’ Master Plan to reinforce the connection between the river and community and create a shared vision to celebrate, activate and protect the Nepean River over the next ten years.
The Master Plan presented a roadmap for Council to follow and outlined focus areas, priority projects and key actions to deliver. Developed in consultation with the community, it reflected a shared vision for the future of the Nepean River.
Many priority projects and initiatives identified in the Master Plan are delivered or underway, including the Police Cottage restoration, Real Festival, Regatta Park Upgrade and Tench Reserve Upgrade, Boat Ramp and trailer parking.
Other projects delivered include ongoing improvements to public amenities such as new footpaths, upgraded lighting, new viewing and fishing platforms, kayak launch pads, riverbank regeneration, and river health initiatives.
Design & Planning Principles
A series of planning and design principles were developed to form the strategic framework for the Our River Master Plan in 2013. These principles build upon the constraints and opportunities identified through the site analysis and community consultation:
- Our Accessible River: addressing access, circulation and wayfinding
- Our Active River: addressing recreational and leisure opportunities
- Our Cultural River: addressing the river’s rich heritage and the celebration of river culture
- Our Healthy River: addressing the river’s natural environment, on land and water
- Our Managed River: addressing management and maintenance of the river
These design and planning principles will be maintained in the updated Our River Master Plan.
Get involved
Penrith City Council is currently updating the Our River Master Plan to guide the next phase of planning and revitalisation of the Nepean River Precinct.
Funded by Council and the NSW Government’s Metropolitan Greenspace Program, this update aims to align the Master Plan with current community priorities and State Government and Council’s strategic plans.
The updated Master Plan will be developed with the community to provide a shared vision and strategic plan for the future that has community support and will leverage funding opportunities.
Central to the new Master Plan will be recognising and celebrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders’ ongoing connection to the river through stories and heritage.
To find out more about this important update, and how you can be involved visit yoursaypenrith.com.au/ourriver.