Integrated Planning and Reporting

Integrated Planning and Reporting

Integrated Planning and Reporting

All local councils across the state are required to plan and report in line with the NSW Office of Local Government’s Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework (IP&R).

The framework recognises that council plans and policies are directed by the community’s desired outcomes and should not exist in isolation. They are inter-connected and allow Council to draw its various plans together, understand how they interact and get the maximum leverage from their efforts by planning holistically and sustainably for the future.

Community Vision

Our regional city is inclusive and prosperous, and offers the best in urban living and a sustainable rural environment. 

 CorpRep Animation



Community engagement is about involving our community and other stakeholders in decision-making and is at the very core of our democratic processes in local government.

Engaging people on ideas, issues and opportunities is crucial for building a great City where people want to live, work, and visit.

Our  Community Engagement Strategy and Community Participation Plan 2022-26 outlines Council’s approach to engagement. It provides transparency and clarity for all stakeholders so they can understand their role in decisions they are interested in or impacted by, to achieve better outcomes for our community and environment.

To stay informed about projects that matter to you, register at sign up for Council’s E-Newsletter or follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Community Engagement Strategy and Community Participation Plan 2022-26


Community Strategic Plan

 The Community Strategic Plan (CSP) is the leading component of the IP&R Framework and identifies the shared vision, aspirations and values of our community and its desired outcomes to inform long term planning and the strategies to achieve them. Our community has identified five strategic outcomes which support the community’s vision for Penrith 2036:

  • Outcome 1 – We protect and enhance an ecologically sustainable environment

  • Outcome 2 – We are welcoming, healthy, happy, creative and connected

  • Outcome 3 – We plan and shape our growing city

  • Outcome 4 – We manage and improve our built environment

  • Outcome 5 – We have open and collaborative leadership

  Download Penrith 2036+ Community Strategic Plan (CSP)

 Download Penrith 2036+ Community Strategic Plan Easy Read


Delivery Program

The Delivery Program 2022-2026 is Council’s four-year commitment to achieving the outcomes and strategies of the CSP. It sets out the Principal Activities that Council will deliver and how our performance will be measured during its term of office. All plans, projects, activities, and funding allocations during the term are linked to this four-year program.

Delivery Program 2022-2026



Operational Plan

The annual Operational Plan and Budgets specify the details of the Delivery Program – the individual projects and actions that will be undertaken and reported on during each financial year to achieve the Principal Activities.

Operational Plan 2024-2025


Fees and Charges

The Fees and Charges 2024-2025 document lists all the fees and charges relating to the services Council provides, including cemeteries, children’s services, applications, facility hires, animal control and so on.

Resourcing Strategy

To support the Delivery Program effectively Council is required to develop a 10-year Resourcing Strategy. The strategy ensures Council has the necessary people, budget, technology and infrastructure in place to deliver against its commitments.

Four medium to long-term components make up the strategy:

  • Workforce Management Strategy

  • Long term financial plan

  • Assets management plans

  • Digital Strategy

Resourcing Strategy 2022-2032


Supporting Documents

Council work is also guided by other strategies and plans which are created to comply with legislation and/or to more specifically address issues which impact our work and our community. In the IP&R framework, these documents sit between the Community Strategic Plan and the Delivery Program.
Vision, strategies, and plans

Reporting on our performance

See our Organisational performance page for

  • Annual Report
  • Financial Statements
  • End of Term Report 2021
  • Half yearly and quarterly reports

The IP&R Framework recognises that Council is also guided in its planning by various State and regional plans.