Sports Facilities
- Details
- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia
Use the interactive map below to locate sports facilities.
List of sports facilities by sport
Cook and Banks Reserve
Banks Drive, St Clair
- 1 rugby league field
- 1 AFL field
- Cricket oval - synthetic wicket
- 4 cricket nets
- LED floodlighting
Cook Park
Wilson Street, St Marys
- 3 soccer fields
- 1 modified soccer fields
- George Churchward Grandstand
- Canteen
- Meeting rooms
- Amenities building
- Cricket oval - turf wicket (Bill Ball Oval)
- Senior AFL field
- Playground
Dukes Oval
Park Street, Emu Plains
- Cricket oval - turf wicket
- 2 cricket nets
- AFL field
- 2 tennis courts
- Playground
- Barbeque facility
- Amenities
- Meeting room
- Melrose Hall
- LED floodlighting
Greygums Oval
Greygums Road, Cranebrook
- AFL senior field
- AFL junior field
- Athletics oval
- Canteen
- Amenities
- Floodlights
- Playground
Synthetic Fields
Jamison Park Synthetic Facility
York Road, South Penrith
- Two FIFA standard football fields
- One senior size cricket pitch
- One AFL oval
- Amenities building (toilets only)
- Drinking fountains
- Tiered spectator seating
- Spectator boundary fencing (1.5 m high)
- LED 100 LUX floodlighting
- Pathway for ease of access
For bookings contact:
Village Oval
Corner Cullen Ave and Alinta Promenade, Jordan Springs
- 1 netball court
- 1 AFL and cricket Oval
- 2 full fields
- Basketball court
- Amenities
- Fitness station
- Bike track
- Playground
- Floodlights
- Dog Park
Troy Adams Archery Field
- Archery facilities
- Car park
Blair Oval, South Creek Park
Creek Road, St Marys
- BMX track
- Athletics oval
- Canteen
- Club house
- Toilets
- Floodlights
- St Marys tennis courts and club house
Greygums Oval
Greygums Road, Cranebrook
- AFL senior field
- AFL junior field
- Athletics oval
- Canteen
- Amenities
- Floodlights
- Playground
Harold Corr Oval
Herbert Street, Cambridge Park
- Synthetic athletics track, certified by World Athletics as a Class 2 facility
- Amenities
- Canteen
Jamison Park
York Road, South Penrith
- 3 natural turf cricket pitches
- 1 synthetic cricket pitch
- 5 cricket practice wickets
- 7 full size natural turf football fields
- 2 FIFA standard synthetic full size football fields (can be modified to eight small sided fields)
- 1 synthetic AFL oval
- 1 modified field
- 1 rugby league field
- 42 netball courts
- Athletics oval and field events
- Car park
- Public toilets
- 4 amenities buildings
- Floodlights
- Skate park
- Children’s playground
- Off-leash dog park
- Outdoor fitness equipment
For bookings contact:
Leonay Oval
Leonay Parade, Leonay
- 1 full rugby league field
- 1 modified field
- 1 mini field
- Athletics oval
- Lower amenities building including two change rooms, canteen, storeroom, toilets and awning
- Upper amenities building including, toilets, canteen, storeage and awning
- LED Floodlighting
Parker Street Reserve
King Street, Penrith
- athletics oval
- 4 full-sized rugby league fields
- cricket oval
- floodlights
- canteen
- amenities
- playground
Saunders Park
Banks Drive, St Clair
- Athletics oval
- Amenities
- Canteen
Andrews Road Baseball Complex
Andrews Road Penrith
- 2 main diamonds
- Sealed car park
- 2 batting tunnels
- Amenities
Chapman Gardens
Second Avenue, Kingswood
- Cricket oval – synthetic wicket
- 2 baseball diamonds
- 1 junior diamond
- 1 modified rugby league field
- Amenities
- Canteen
- Playground
- Outdoor fitness equipment
Monfarville Reserve
Monfarville Street, St Marys
- 2 cricket ovals – synthetic wickets
- 2 baseball diamonds
- Amenities
- Canteen
- Skate Park
- LED floodlighting (Diamond One)
Samuel Marsden Road
Samuel Marsden Road, Orchard Hills
- 4 baseball diamonds
- Amenities
- Canteen
Basketball (Indoor)
Penrith Valley Regional Sports Centre
30 Herbert Street Cambridge Park
Phone: 4731 3222
St Clair Leisure Centre
Monday to Friday 2pm - 10pm subject to bookings
Phone: 9670 1958
Basketball (Outdoor)
Andromeda Drive Reserve
Andromeda Drive, Cranebrook
- 2 soccer fields
- Cricket oval - synthetic wicket
- Floodlights
- 1 sealed netball court
- Sealed basketball half court
- Playground
Berkshire Park
Chameleon Drive Reserve
Chameleon Drive, Erskine Park
- 2 sealed netball courts
- Floodlights
- Toilets
- Basketball ring
Jim Anderson Park
Poplar Park
Kurrajong Road, North St Marys
- Basketball half court
- Cricket oval – synthetic wicket
- Playground
Rance Oval
Parkes Avenue Werrington
- Cricket oval – turf wicket
- Amenities
- Basketball ring
- Playground
South Penrith Half Court Basketball
Village Oval
Corner Cullen Ave and Alinta Promenade, Jordan Springs
- 1 netball court
- 1 AFL and cricket Oval
- 2 full fields
- Basketball court
- Amenities
- Fitness station
- Bike track
- Playground
- Floodlights
- Dog Park
Blair Oval, South Creek Park
Creek Road, St Marys
- BMX track
- Athletics oval
- Canteen
- Club house
- Toilets
- Floodlights
- St Marys tennis courts and club house
Andromeda Drive Reserve
Andromeda Drive, Cranebrook
- 2 soccer fields
- Cricket oval - synthetic wicket
- Floodlights
- 1 sealed netball court
- Sealed basketball half court
- Playground
Blue Hills Wetland
Street Entrance Address: Enter from Blue Hills Drive, Glenmore Park
Vegetation Community:
- Alluvial Woodland
- Shale Plains Woodland
Area of bushland in reserve: 9.5 Hectares
Boronia Park
Boronia Road, North St Marys
- 5 rugby league fields
- Cricket oval - synthetic wicket
- 16 grass netball courts
- Amenities
- Floodlights
Cambridge Park Reserve, Cambridge Park
Address: Cambridge Park Reserve, between Allsopp & Paterson Ovals College Street, Cambridge Park
• Multiplay Unit, with slide
• Swings
• Seating
• Shade sail
Chapman Gardens
Second Avenue, Kingswood
- Cricket oval – synthetic wicket
- 2 baseball diamonds
- 1 junior diamond
- 1 modified rugby league field
- Amenities
- Canteen
- Playground
- Outdoor fitness equipment
Ched Towns Reserve
Town terrace, Glenmore Park
- 4 full fields
- 2 cricket ovals - synthetic wickets
- 2 cricket practice nets
- Floodlights
- Skate Park
- Amenities
- Canteen
- Playground
Cranebrook Park
Cranebrook Road, Cranebrook
- Cricket oval - synthetic wicket
- Gridiron field
- 1 full size field
- Amenities
- Canteen
Eileen Cammack Reserve
Evan Street, South Penrith
- Cricket oval – synthetic wicket
- 2 soccer fields
- Floodlights
- Playground
- Sealed car park
- Change rooms and canteen
Fowler Reserve
Silverdale Road, Wallacia
- Cricket Oval – Synthetic wicket
Gow Park
Littlefields Road, Mulgoa
- Cricket oval - synthetic wicket
- 2 soccer fields
- LED floodlighting
- Toilets
- Meeting Room
Jamison Park
York Road, South Penrith
- 3 natural turf cricket pitches
- 1 synthetic cricket pitch
- 5 cricket practice wickets
- 7 full size natural turf football fields
- 2 FIFA standard synthetic full size football fields (can be modified to eight small sided fields)
- 1 synthetic AFL oval
- 1 modified field
- 1 rugby league field
- 42 netball courts
- Athletics oval and field events
- Car park
- Public toilets
- 4 amenities buildings
- Floodlights
- Skate park
- Children’s playground
- Off-leash dog park
- Outdoor fitness equipment
For bookings contact:
Monfarville Reserve
Monfarville Street, St Marys
- 2 cricket ovals – synthetic wickets
- 2 baseball diamonds
- Amenities
- Canteen
- Skate Park
- LED floodlighting (Diamond One)
Myrtle Road Fields
Myrtle Road, Claremont Meadows
- 2 senior soccer fields
- Cricket oval - turf wicket
- LED floodlighting
- Amenities
- Canteen
- Playground
Peppertree Reserve
Swallow Drive, Erskine Park
- 2 rugby league fields
- Mini field
- Cricket oval - synthetic wicket
- Floodlights
- Canteen
- Amenities
- Erskine Park Community Hall
Potter Fields
Shepherd Street, Colyton
- 3 soccer fields
- 2 cricket ovals - synthetic wickets
- Floodlights
- 2 cricket nets
- Playground
- Canteen
- Amenities
Ridge Park
Woodland Avenue, Oxley Park
- Rugby league field
- 2 modified fields
- Cricket oval - synthetic wicket
- Floodlights
- Amenities
- Canteen
- Ridge Park Hall
Robert Green Oval, Sales Park
Roots Avenue, Luddenham
- Cricket oval - synthetic wicket
- Picnic shelters
- One cricket nets
- Public toilets
- Playground
Smith Park
Castle Street, Castlereagh
- Cricket oval - synthetic wicket
- Public toilets
- Playground
The Kingsway Sports Precinct
The Kingsway, Werrington
- 23 Oztag and touch fields
- 4 cricket pitches
- 1 international rugby league field
- 1 modified rugby league field
- 2 mini rugby league fields
- amenities buildings
- 100 LUX floodlighting
Village Oval
Corner Cullen Ave and Alinta Promenade, Jordan Springs
- 1 netball court
- 1 AFL and cricket Oval
- 2 full fields
- Basketball court
- Amenities
- Fitness station
- Bike track
- Playground
- Floodlights
- Dog Park
Werrington Lakes
Burton Street, Werrington
- Cricket oval - synthetic wicket
- Toilets
- Fitness equipment
- Splash pad
- Playground
- Barbeque facility
Cricket (Turf Wicket)
Cook Park
Wilson Street, St Marys
- 3 soccer fields
- 1 modified soccer fields
- George Churchward Grandstand
- Canteen
- Meeting rooms
- Amenities building
- Cricket oval - turf wicket (Bill Ball Oval)
- Senior AFL field
- Playground
Darcy Smith Oval
Cary Street, Emu Plains
- Cricket Oval - Turf Wicket
Dukes Oval
Park Street, Emu Plains
- Cricket oval - turf wicket
- 2 cricket nets
- AFL field
- 2 tennis courts
- Playground
- Barbeque facility
- Amenities
- Meeting room
- Melrose Hall
- LED floodlighting
Howell Oval
Station Street, Penrith
- Cricket oval - turf wicket
- 3 cricket nets
- Amenities
- Canteen
- Meeting room
- Indoor cricket training facility
Rance Oval
Parkes Avenue Werrington
- Cricket oval – turf wicket
- Amenities
- Basketball ring
- Playground
Shaw Park
Herbert Street, Cambridge Park
- Cricket oval - turf wicket
- Toilets
- Skate Park
Football (Soccer)
Andromeda Drive Reserve
Andromeda Drive, Cranebrook
- 2 soccer fields
- Cricket oval - synthetic wicket
- Floodlights
- 1 sealed netball court
- Sealed basketball half court
- Playground
Blue Hills Wetland
Street Entrance Address: Enter from Blue Hills Drive, Glenmore Park
Vegetation Community:
- Alluvial Woodland
- Shale Plains Woodland
Area of bushland in reserve: 9.5 Hectares
Ched Towns Reserve
Town terrace, Glenmore Park
- 4 full fields
- 2 cricket ovals - synthetic wickets
- 2 cricket practice nets
- Floodlights
- Skate Park
- Amenities
- Canteen
- Playground
Cook Park
Wilson Street, St Marys
- 3 soccer fields
- 1 modified soccer fields
- George Churchward Grandstand
- Canteen
- Meeting rooms
- Amenities building
- Cricket oval - turf wicket (Bill Ball Oval)
- Senior AFL field
- Playground
Eileen Cammack Reserve
Evan Street, South Penrith
- Cricket oval – synthetic wicket
- 2 soccer fields
- Floodlights
- Playground
- Sealed car park
- Change rooms and canteen
Hunter Fields, Emu Park
Nepean Street, Emu Plains
- 2 Seniors Soccer fields
- 1 modified soccer field
- 2 Mini soccer fields
- 2 sealed netball courts
- Floodlights
- Amenities
- Canteen
Jamison Park
York Road, South Penrith
- 3 natural turf cricket pitches
- 1 synthetic cricket pitch
- 5 cricket practice wickets
- 7 full size natural turf football fields
- 2 FIFA standard synthetic full size football fields (can be modified to eight small sided fields)
- 1 synthetic AFL oval
- 1 modified field
- 1 rugby league field
- 42 netball courts
- Athletics oval and field events
- Car park
- Public toilets
- 4 amenities buildings
- Floodlights
- Skate park
- Children’s playground
- Off-leash dog park
- Outdoor fitness equipment
For bookings contact:
Londonderry Park*
Carrington Road, Londonderry
- 1 senior soccer field
- 2 sealed netball courts
- 1 grass netball court
- Floodlights
- 1 tennis court
- Amenities
- Londonderry Neighbourhood Centre
- Playground
Note: the tennis courts are unlit.
Mark Leece Sporting Complex
Endeavour Avenue, St Clair
- 4 sealed netball courts
- 2 senior soccer field
- 2 modified soccer fields
- 2 mini soccer fields
- Floodlights
- Amenities building including first aid room, toilets, gender neutral change rooms and canteen
- Playground
- Skate Park
Mulgoa Rise Fields
Parkway Avenue, Mulgoa Rise
- 3 senior football fields
- 2 modified football fields
- 3 mini-sized football fields
- 1 senior cricket oval
Myrtle Road Fields
Myrtle Road, Claremont Meadows
- 2 senior soccer fields
- Cricket oval - turf wicket
- LED floodlighting
- Amenities
- Canteen
- Playground
Parker Street Reserve
King Street, Penrith
- athletics oval
- 4 full-sized rugby league fields
- cricket oval
- floodlights
- canteen
- amenities
- playground
Parkes Avenue Reserve
Parkes Avenue, Werrington
- 2 full soccer fields
- Floodlights
- 2 tennis courts
- Playground
- Amenities
- Canteen
- Arthur Neve Memorial Hall
Bookings: Werrington Tennis Courts
Potter Fields
Shepherd Street, Colyton
- 3 soccer fields
- 2 cricket ovals - synthetic wickets
- Floodlights
- 2 cricket nets
- Playground
- Canteen
- Amenities
Roper Road Soccer Fields
Roper Road, Colyton
Facilities: floodlights; amenities building; car park; playground.
South Creek Park
Creek road, St Mary’s
- 1 full field
- 1 mini field
- Blair oval athletics
- BMX track
- CARES facility
- 13 tennis courts
- Amenities
- St Marys Tennis Club House
- Canteen
- Circus site available
Multi-Purpose Courts
Jamison Park
York Road, South Penrith
- 3 natural turf cricket pitches
- 1 synthetic cricket pitch
- 5 cricket practice wickets
- 7 full size natural turf football fields
- 2 FIFA standard synthetic full size football fields (can be modified to eight small sided fields)
- 1 synthetic AFL oval
- 1 modified field
- 1 rugby league field
- 42 netball courts
- Athletics oval and field events
- Car park
- Public toilets
- 4 amenities buildings
- Floodlights
- Skate park
- Children’s playground
- Off-leash dog park
- Outdoor fitness equipment
For bookings contact:
Sherringham Park
Sherringham Road, Cranebrook
- 1 soccer fields
- Floodlights
- Toilets
- Skate Park
- Multicourt
Boronia Park
Boronia Road, North St Marys
- 5 rugby league fields
- Cricket oval - synthetic wicket
- 16 grass netball courts
- Amenities
- Floodlights
Chameleon Drive Reserve
Chameleon Drive, Erskine Park
- 2 sealed netball courts
- Floodlights
- Toilets
- Basketball ring
Emu Park
Nepean and Cary Street, Emu Plains
Facilities: Floodlights; amenities building; car park; Scout Hall.
Jamison Park
York Road, South Penrith
- 3 natural turf cricket pitches
- 1 synthetic cricket pitch
- 5 cricket practice wickets
- 7 full size natural turf football fields
- 2 FIFA standard synthetic full size football fields (can be modified to eight small sided fields)
- 1 synthetic AFL oval
- 1 modified field
- 1 rugby league field
- 42 netball courts
- Athletics oval and field events
- Car park
- Public toilets
- 4 amenities buildings
- Floodlights
- Skate park
- Children’s playground
- Off-leash dog park
- Outdoor fitness equipment
For bookings contact:
Londonderry Park*
Carrington Road, Londonderry
- 1 senior soccer field
- 2 sealed netball courts
- 1 grass netball court
- Floodlights
- 1 tennis court
- Amenities
- Londonderry Neighbourhood Centre
- Playground
Note: the tennis courts are unlit.
Mark Leece Sporting Complex
Endeavour Avenue, St Clair
- 4 sealed netball courts
- 2 senior soccer field
- 2 modified soccer fields
- 2 mini soccer fields
- Floodlights
- Amenities building including first aid room, toilets, gender neutral change rooms and canteen
- Playground
- Skate Park
Village Oval
Corner Cullen Ave and Alinta Promenade, Jordan Springs
- 1 netball court
- 1 AFL and cricket Oval
- 2 full fields
- Basketball court
- Amenities
- Fitness station
- Bike track
- Playground
- Floodlights
- Dog Park
Oztag and Touch Football
The Kingsway Sports Precinct
The Kingsway, Werrington
- 23 Oztag and touch fields
- 4 cricket pitches
- 1 international rugby league field
- 1 modified rugby league field
- 2 mini rugby league fields
- amenities buildings
- 100 LUX floodlighting
Rugby League
Allsopp Oval
Oxford Street, Cambridge Park
- Rugby league field
- Floodlights
- Amenities
- Public toilets
- Playground
- Cambridge Park Hall
Boronia Park
Boronia Road, North St Marys
- 5 rugby league fields
- Cricket oval - synthetic wicket
- 16 grass netball courts
- Amenities
- Floodlights
Cambridge Park Reserve, Cambridge Park
Address: Cambridge Park Reserve, between Allsopp & Paterson Ovals College Street, Cambridge Park
• Multiplay Unit, with slide
• Swings
• Seating
• Shade sail
Ched Towns Reserve
Town terrace, Glenmore Park
- 4 full fields
- 2 cricket ovals - synthetic wickets
- 2 cricket practice nets
- Floodlights
- Skate Park
- Amenities
- Canteen
- Playground
Cook and Banks Reserve
Banks Drive, St Clair
- 1 rugby league field
- 1 AFL field
- Cricket oval - synthetic wicket
- 4 cricket nets
- LED floodlighting
Doug Rennie Field
Paskin Street, Kingswood
- Senior rugby league field
- Floodlights
- 1 mini field
- Amenities
- Canteen
Hickeys Lane
Hickeys Lane, Penrith
- 2 full-sized football (soccer) fields
- modified field
- floodlights
- amenities
- canteen
Leonay Oval
Leonay Parade, Leonay
- 1 full rugby league field
- 1 modified field
- 1 mini field
- Athletics oval
- Lower amenities building including two change rooms, canteen, storeroom, toilets and awning
- Upper amenities building including, toilets, canteen, storeage and awning
- LED Floodlighting
Peppertree Reserve
Swallow Drive, Erskine Park
- 2 rugby league fields
- Mini field
- Cricket oval - synthetic wicket
- Floodlights
- Canteen
- Amenities
- Erskine Park Community Hall
Peter Kearns Reserve
Solander Drive, St Clair
- 1 rugby league field
- 1 mini field
- Floodlights
- Toilets
- Playground
Ridge Park
Woodland Avenue, Oxley Park
- Rugby league field
- 2 modified fields
- Cricket oval - synthetic wicket
- Floodlights
- Amenities
- Canteen
- Ridge Park Hall
The Kingsway Sports Precinct
The Kingsway, Werrington
- 23 Oztag and touch fields
- 4 cricket pitches
- 1 international rugby league field
- 1 modified rugby league field
- 2 mini rugby league fields
- amenities buildings
- 100 LUX floodlighting
Rugby Union
Nepean Rugby Park
Andrews Road, Penrith
- 2 full rugby union fields
- Grandstand
- Meeting room
- Floodlights
- Amenities
- Canteen
Surveyors Creek Softball Facility
Ballybunnion Terrace, Glenmore Park
- 6 Softball Diamonds
- Amenities
- Canteen
- LED floodlighting (Diamond One & Two)
Cook Parade St Clair Tennis Courts
- Council has reviewed the condition of St Clair tennis courts, at this time Courts 5 & 6 are available for use, all others are closed.
Dukes Oval
Park Street, Emu Plains
- Cricket oval - turf wicket
- 2 cricket nets
- AFL field
- 2 tennis courts
- Playground
- Barbeque facility
- Amenities
- Meeting room
- Melrose Hall
- LED floodlighting
Londonderry Park*
Carrington Road, Londonderry
- 1 senior soccer field
- 2 sealed netball courts
- 1 grass netball court
- Floodlights
- 1 tennis court
- Amenities
- Londonderry Neighbourhood Centre
- Playground
Note: the tennis courts are unlit.
Mount Vernon Tennis Courts, Mount Vernon*
Address: 4131 Bowood Road, Mount Vernon
• Multiplay unit with slide
• Swings
• Spinning rope climbing structure
• Shade
• Seating
• Off-street parking (via Bowood Road)
Adjacent Facilities:
• Tennis court
Mulgoa Park Tennis Courts
• This facility has 1 acrylic tennis court and 1 acrylic multicourt, lights and amenities.
• It is available 365 days per year, from 7.30am to 10pm.
• Located at Littlefields Road, Mulgoa 2745 (see map below)
• If you would like to speak to someone about your booking please call 4732 7930.
• Please note: Mulgoa Park Tennis Courts do not have an office or pro-shop, to hire or purchase drinks.
Parkes Avenue Reserve
Parkes Avenue, Werrington
- 2 full soccer fields
- Floodlights
- 2 tennis courts
- Playground
- Amenities
- Canteen
- Arthur Neve Memorial Hall
Bookings: Werrington Tennis Courts
St Marys Tennis Club, South Creek Park
Creek Road, St Marys
- 8 tennis courts
- 4 courts have floodlights
- Amenities
- Clubhouse (Mavis Harris Pavilion)
- CARES facility
- Car park
Bookings can be made through Ripples
St Marys Tennis Courts
St Marys Tennis Courts are located on Creek Road between Ripples St Marys and Blair Oval.
There are 11 synthetic tennis courts available for use. Eight of the tennis courts feature floodlighting for evening use.
Casual bookings
Casual bookings can be made in person at Ripples St Marys which is located on Charles Hackett Drive, St Marys. For enquiries please call: (02) 9833 3000.
Regular bookings
For regular bookings, please contact Council's Recreation Team between 9am-4pm on weekdays on: (02) 4732 7930.
Woodriff Gardens Tennis Complex
Cnr Castlereagh Rd and High St Penrith 2750.
Visit the Nepean District Tennis Association website for more information.