Jamison Park Synthetic Facility

Jamison Park Synthetic Facility

The new multi-use synthetic sports facility at Jamison Park is complete and ready to be enjoyed by the whole community.

The $4 million project forms part of Council’s Sport and Recreation Strategy and was proudly funded by the NSW Government in association with Penrith City Council. Nepean Football Association also contributed to this project.

The advanced synthetic surface gives local sporting groups and our community year-round access to a high-quality facility which is more durable than the former turf fields and has the potential to double the weekly capacity of the facility to support increased participation in sport and recreation.

The synthetic surface covers an area of 22,000 sqm and includes:

  • two FIFA standard football (soccer) fields, which can accommodate eight small-sided fields
  • one senior size cricket pitch
  • one AFL oval
  • amenities building (toilets only)
  • drinking fountains
  • spectator boundary fencing (1.5 m high)
  • LED floodlighting
  • pathway for ease of access
  • four dugouts. Two are located on both the east and western fence lines

More information on Jamison Park can be found here

Jamison Park, York Road, Penrith, NSW 2750.


The internal roads and car parks of Jamison Park or street parking.

Operation Times
The synthetic facility is available for use daily from 5:00 am – 10:30 pm.
Sporting operations must conclude at 10:00 pm unless extended hours are pre-approved by Council.
Floodlighting operates until 10:30 pm to allow for pack up.

Organised Sport and Competitions

The synthetic facility can be booked for a range of organised sports and competitions throughout the year:

Winter season – mid-March through August

  • Football (soccer)
  • AFL

Summer season – September through February

  • Cricket
  • Football (soccer)

Council conducts an annual expression of interest process for seasonal bookings at the facility. The fields are line marked and goalposts will be prepared to cater for each season

Casual, School and Event Bookings

Council is eager for the field to be used by clubs, community groups and schools for various casual sporting competitions, programs and special sporting events such as carnivals and major championships.

You can find an application for the casual use of a sports ground or reserve here.

For bookings & enquiries, please contact the Community Facilities and Recreation team on (02) 4732 7930 or

Personal Trainers

Personal trainers and commercial fitness groups are required to book with Council before use. However, please note that gym equipment cannot be used on the synthetic surface. Please refer to the Conditions of Play below for more information.

For bookings & enquiries, please contact the Community Facilities and Recreation team on (02) 4732 7930 or

Terms and Conditions of Hire
You can find our Terms and Conditions of Hire here.

General Recreation
The broader community are welcome to use the facility for general recreation and unorganised activities when there are no booked activities taking place.

Weather Ground Closures
The synthetic facility is suitable for use during periods of wet weather. Any weather-related closures are at the discretion of the hirer.

Hirers are responsible for conducting a risk assessment to determine the suitability of sports grounds for training, competition, player safety and potential ground damage.

Hirers should give consideration to the weather forecast, any relevant State Sporting Organisation (SSO) weather policies and the field condition when inspected.

If the hirer chooses not to proceed with a booking, they must communicate this to Council and all participants including spectators.

All facility users must adhere to the Conditions of Play, including prohibited activities, and any Council officer directions to prevent field damage and to prolong the life span of the synthetic facility.

  • All groups and organised sporting activities need to book with Council before use.
  • Council reserves the right to book the field at any time. Bookings take precedence at all times.
  • Children must always be supervised by an adult.
  • Members of the public must vacate the field during booked activities.
  • Recommended footwear: Moulded studs or dimpled astro turf trainers. Avoid regular flat soled trainers.
  • It is the responsibility of the hirer to install goals and secure them within the cage after use.
  • Fields will be closed fortnightly for cleaning.

The following items and activities are not allowed within the synthetic facility:

  • Metal stud boots, chewing gum, drinks other than water, food, gym equipment, tables and chairs, pegs and stakes.
  • Glass and alcohol.
  • Vehicles and unauthorised commercial services.
  • Dogs and other animals.
  • No smoking, bike riding, golf, skateboards or scooters.
  • Fires are prohibited.

Please report any maintenance issue to Council via the self service portal or contact the Customer Service line on (02) 4732 7777.

If you need further clarification, please contact the Community Facilities and Recreation team on (02) 4732 7930 or

You can find more information regarding our fees & charges here

jamison park designs ip

  • Recommended: Moulded studs or dimpled astroturf trainers.
  • Prohibited: No metal studs.

It is recommended that footwear is clean prior to entering the field.

The community’s feedback is valuable and will help guide the Council to continuously improve the facility. Please email your feedback to

The facility can be available for casual bookings Monday - Friday from 5:00am - 3:00pm, and on Saturday from 5:00am - midday. Bookings are dependent on availability at the time of the request.

Council has a regular user agreement in place with Nepean Football Association (NFA) who have an allocation to use this facility for training and competitions.

Nepean Football Association advocated for a synthetic facility in the City and also contributed funding to this project.

Council conducts an annual expression of interest process for seasonal bookings at the facility. You can contact the Community Facilities and Recreation team for more information on (02) 4732 7930 or

The synthetic facility is suitable for use during periods of wet weather. Any weather-related closures are at the discretion of the hirer.
Hirers are responsible for conducting a risk assessment to determine the suitability of sports grounds for training, competition, player safety and potential ground damage.

Hirers should consider the weather forecast, any relevant State Sporting Organisation (SSO) weather policies and the field condition when inspected.

If the hirer chooses not to proceed with a booking, they must communicate this to Council and all participants including spectators.

Council will begin construction to install spectator seating in early 2022. Tiered seating will be located on the western side of the ground. The eastern side will have natural seating with sandstone blocks.

You can park on the internal roads and car parks of Jamison Park or there is also street parking available.

Corner flags and two full-size sets of goalposts can be provided for bookings. Goalposts must be returned and locked into storage cages following the booking.

It is recommended that you take a photo of the equipment before returning it to the storage areas. Any costs associated with the repair or replacement of lost or damaged equipment will be directed to the user.

Special events are limited to sporting events, such as carnivals and major championships.

Events such as markets, festivals, carols and events with large structures cannot take place on the synthetic surface.

The following items and activities are not allowed within the synthetic facility:

  • No food, chewing gum or drinks other than water.
  • Footwear with metal studs.
  • Tables, chairs, pegs or stakes.
  • Glass, sharp objects and alcohol.
  • Bike riding, golf, skateboards or scooters.
  • Vehicles and unauthorised commercial services.
  • Littering
  • Dogs and other animals.
  • Gym equipment or personal training activities that involve repetitive exercises and use of heavy items such as dumbbells, kettlebells, sledges, ladder drills, medicine ball smashes, dropping of weights, etc.
  • Fires are prohibited.
  • No antisocial behaviour.
  • No smoking.