Revitalise Penrith
- Details
- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Penrith is undergoing a once-in a generation change to become a vibrant, world-class city with quality amenity, connected to a diverse range of opportunities for employment, leisure and lifestyle. Penrith City Council is driving this change by delivering key city-shaping projects to revitalise our city and strengthen our position as an economic and employment hub within Western Sydney.
Here you will find a snapshot of the exciting Council-led projects underway across our city.
Gipps Street Recreation Precinct
Gipps Street Recreation Precinct is a 32-hectare sport and recreation facility in Claremont Meadows with sports fields, playspaces, youth zone, courts, and much more.
Coreen Avenue Intersection Upgrades
An important upgrade to intersections along the Coreen Avenue corridor aims to improve the efficiency and safety of the road for all users.
Erskine Park Urban Reinvestment
Erskine Park Urban Reinvestment is an innovative project by Penrith City Council to revitalise public spaces and deliver a new residential offering to the suburb.