
Our City supports about 17% of the remaining bushland on the Cumberland Plain in Western Sydney. Some of these areas are part of the national reserve system, forming National Parks, Nature Reserves and Regional Parks under the care and control of the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service. Significant areas of bushland are on private land. Bushland and native vegetation provide essential habitat for our native animals and plants. Penrith is home to at least 132 species of native fish, amphibians, reptiles and mammals and over 200 native bird species. Over 500 native plant species and 13 vegetation communities can also be found in our City. Many of these plants and animals are endangered and need extra protection. These are all supported by our remaining bushland and other natural areas.

Bushcare Volunteering

Interested in volunteering at one of our Bushcare events or even registering to help one of our local Bushcare groups? Learn more about what’s expected and how to become a Bushcare volunteer!

Bushcare Bulletin

Love our Bushcare events, facts, and opportunities? Sign up for the Bushcare Bulletin and stay up to date all things Bushcare!

Bushcare Calendar

Check our yearly Bushcare calendar to find out when our Bushcare Groups meet.


Stay up to date with our Bushcare events and volunteering opportunities.

Bushland Management

Penrith has approximately 450 hectares of bushland across over 70 bushland reserves under the care, control and management of Penrith City Council. 

Bushland Reserves

Check out our interactive map to find reserves, Bushcare groups and walking tracks across our LGA. 

Connect with Nature

Western Sydney has a great diversity of animal and plant life. Watch our Connect with Nature series and learn some tips and tricks on how you can discover animals and plants at your local reserves and parks, create habitat in your very own backyard for bees and frogs, and safely learn and explore nature near you.

Current Projects

Penrith Council’s Bushcare team works on a variety of projects, from tree planting, weed removal, and even fish habitat restoration projects. Find out more about what we’re doing and see how you can get involved.

Things to do

If you're looking for some fun things to do, look no further! Be a part of our Wildlife Wednesday social media campaign by taking a nature-themed photo when you are next in the great outdoors. And if you’re looking for something fun for the kids to do, we’ve got some great activities from colouring in to I Spy and word searches!

Vegetation of Penrith

Penrith City sits on the Cumberland Plain. Learn more about the vegetation and threatened species that call our City home.


Did you know weeds smother natural vegetation and out-compete native plants for space, light and water? It’s important that we remove weeds wherever possible in our bushlands. Find out more about our weed removal opportunities and volunteer!

Useful Resources

Looking for information on something Bushcare related? Our Bushcare team have compiled a list of useful resources that’ll help you learn more about Bushcare, the importance of restoring habitat, and ways we as a community can help preserve our local bushland areas.