Choosing your 3-bin service
- Details
- Written by: Teela Griffin Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Penrith City Council’s 3-bin Waste Service maximises resource recovery to benefit the local community and reduce our negative environmental impacts. The 3-bin waste service provides residents with the most sustainable waste management. For instance, Penrith’s green-lidded Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO) waste is recycled into high-grade compost that is used on local parks, gardens, and sports fields. Recyclables from the yellow-lidded recycling bin are remade into new products, such as crushed glass being reused on local roads! The leftover waste collected from the red-lidded residual garbage bin is treated to stabilise the waste, then landfilled.
For more information about waste and resource recovery services available, download our Waste and Resource Recovery Guide.
Benefits of the 3-bin service include:
- saving you money by avoiding the waste levy (which applies to landfilled waste).
- reducing the amount of reusable waste going into landfill
- offering a greater total bin capacity for each household than under the old 2-bin waste service
When deciding which option to go for, please be aware that all organic items which can naturally break down go into the green-lidded FOGO bin, which is collected weekly, so odours should not be an issue.
The vast majority of Penrith’s residents sort their waste correctly, with 85% choosing a service with fortnightly residual waste collection (Sustainable Service or Large Residual Waste Service). For more information on how to sort your waste, click on the links below to see a full drop-down list:
- The green-lidded Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO) bin
- The yellow-lidded recycling bin
- The red-lidded residual bin
Please note: the below items are not accepted in your 3-bin service. For more information on how to dispose of them, please click on the links:
Main service options
Sustainable Service - $487*
- 240L Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO) bin weekly
- 240L Recycling bin fortnightly
- 140L Residual bin fortnightly
Large Residual Waste Service - $591*
- 240L Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO) bin weekly
- 240L Recycling bin fortnightly
- 240L Residual bin fortnightly
Weekly Residual Waste Service - $743*
- 240L Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO) bin weekly
- 240L Recycling bin fortnightly
- 140L Residual bin weekly
Weekly Large Residual Waste Service - $965*
- 240L Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO) bin weekly
- 240L Recycling bin fortnightly
- 240L Residual bin weekly
NOTE - Households may nominate to have 140L Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO) instead of a 240L FOGO bin as part of their service. There is no cost difference between a 240L or 140L FOGO bin.
Additional service options
- Additional 140L Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO) bin weekly - $185*
- Additional 240L Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO) bin weekly - $185*
- Additional 140L Recycling bin fortnightly - $76*
- Additional 240L Recycling bin fortnightly - $76*
- Additional 360L Recycling bin fortnightly - $107*
- Upsize Recycling bin fortnightly to 360L - $31*
- Additional 140L Residual bin fortnightly - $222*
- Additional 240L Residual bin fortnightly - $327*
- Additional 140L Residual bin weekly - $479*
- Additional 240L Residual bin weekly - $700*
* Fees and charges are current from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.
How to change your bin service
To change your waste service option, or to discuss suitable options for your household, please contact Waste Services on 4732 7777.
Please note: Only the property owner or managing agent can change the waste service option being provided to a property.**
However, if you are a tenant, you can still contact Waste Services for advice on the different waste service options.
** Note that Council may remove bins and provide an alternate waste service and domestic waste charge due to contamination (see Fees and Charges).
Free Bin Repairs
If your bin is broken, cracked, or missing a lid, you can organise a free repair by visiting The Waste Spot.