Useful Links and Resources

Blocks pieced together to demonstrate parts of the circular economy

Further reading  

Circular design guidelines for the built environment, Whole-of-life principles for transitioning buildings, precincts and infrastructure to a circular economy, Office of Energy and Climate Change, NSW Treasury, February 2023.  

The guidelines encourage and equip government and industry to adopt smart, innovative and sustainable strategies to: reduce embodied carbon, minimise the generation of waste, improve materials efficiency, and increase the circularity of materials used in projects. The guidelines are relevant to building, precinct and infrastructure projects of all types, sizes, and locations.

Demystifying the circular economy, a practical guide for moving towards a circular economy in the built environment, Built, March 2023.  

The report aims to demystify circular economy theory with clear and accessible explanations, provide practical steps for applying the circular economy through case studies, clarify current best practice by sharing insights from international experts, and gather the latest information on circular economy in one place for easy reading. To download the report you must provide your details and it will be emailed to you.


The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water have created a Masterclass video series on sustainability in procurement.