Bushcare Groups

Bushcare Groups

Bushcare is all about community volunteers working with Penrith Council to conserve and rehabilitate publicly owned natural bushland. There are over 200 volunteers who work at over 12 different sites throughout Penrith protecting the important Cumberland Plain Woodland.

Penrith has many areas of natural beauty, which is why it’s important we do our part to protect and conserve them. Penrith Council partners with local residents in preserving and maintaining these areas through our Bushcare program.

Most Bushcare groups work at set times throughout the year, for three or four hours each month. It's free to join a Bushcare group. 

I want to become a Bushcare volunteer!

If you'd like to become a Bushcare volunteer, click here to register

Bushcare Groups in Penrith City

Check out our Bushcare Calendar for what’s coming up!
If you would like to print our our Bushcare Group information, which includes a map of where all the Groups are located in the Penrith Local Government Area, you can download the Bushcare Group Locations.


Bass Sydney Fishing Club Bushcare

Address: Russell Street, Emu Plains

Contact: Jennifer Pallister 0455 021 766 or

Meeting date: First Saturday of the month @ 8.30am-12pm

Bellbird Reserve Bushcare

Address: Cnr Barina Crescent & Kaloona Drive, Emu Plains

Contact: Jennifer Pallister 0455 021 766 or

Meeting date: Third Saturday of the month @ 8am-12pm

Clissold Reserve Bushcare

Address: Litton Street, opposite Dempsey Street, Emu Heights

Contact: Peter Hens 0467 416 460 or

Meeting date: Second Saturday of the month @ 8am-12pm

Crossman Reserve Bushcare

Address: Northern end of Kadiera Close, Wallacia

Contact: Jess Whittick @ 0448 692 153 or

Meeting date: Third Friday of the month @ 9am-12pm

Friends of Ropes Creek

Address: Cnr Debrincat Av & Boronia Rd, North St Marys

Contact: Jess Whittick @ 0448 692 153 or

Meeting date: Third Saturday of the month @ 9am-1pm

Kanangra Reserve Bushcare

Address: Glebe Place, Kingswood

Contact: Jess Whittick 0448 692 153 or

Meeting date: First Sunday of the month @ 8am-12pm

Mountain View Reserve Bushcare

Address: Nepean Street, Cranebrook

Contact: Jennifer Pallister @ 0455 021 766 or

Meeting date: Last Saturday of the month @ 8am-12pm

Gow Park Bushcare

Address: Gow Park, Littlefields Road, Mulgoa

Contact: Jess Whittick @ 0448 692 153 or

Meeting date: First Wednesday of the month @ 9am-12pm

Peppermint Reserve Bushcare

Address: Southern end of Peppermint Crescent, Kingswood

Contact: Peter Hens 0467 416 460  or

Meeting date: Third Sunday of the month @ 8am-12pm

River Road Bushcare

Address: Various locations along River Road, Leonay and Emu Plains

Contact: Jess Whittick @ 0448 692 153 or  for the meeting location as it changes every month.

Meeting date: Fourth Thursday of the month @ 9am-12pm

School House Creek Bushcare

Address: Northern end of Martin Street, Regentville

Contact: Jess Whittick 0448 682 153 or

Meeting date: Second Sunday of the month @ 8am-12pm

Wianamatta Bushcare

Address: Far eastern end of Samuel Marsden Road, Orchard Hills

Contact: Lachlan Baird 0429 606 720 or

Meeting date: First Saturday of the month @ 9am-12pm

Hollier Reserve Bushcare

Address: End of Tattersall Place, Emu Plains

Contact: Jess Whittick 0448 692 153 or

Meeting date: Third Tuesday of the month @ 9am – 12pm

Seed Group

Address: Various locations.

Contact: Jess Whittick 0448 692 153 or

Meeting date: Second Tuesday of the month @ 9am – 12pm


What to expect 

All groups have a trained Council Bushcare Officer to direct works as per a site-specific plan.

You’ll be provided with tools, training and guidance in bush regeneration techniques and morning or afternoon tea.

We have activities to suit all levels of participation. Bush regeneration tasks include weed control, seed collection, planting, plant identification, flora and fauna monitoring, erosion control, litter collection and general site care.

Who can become a Bushcare Volunteer?

Bushcare is open to all ages, with children under the age of 16 needing to be supervised by an adult. No experience is needed!

What to bring and wear

  • Long pants and long-sleeved shirt
  • Sturdy closed in shoes
  • Hat
  • Sunglasses
  • Sunscreen
  • Water

Why should I get involved?

  • Learn more about our natural environment, including our valuable Cumberland Plain Woodland. This vegetation is listed as a critically endangered ecological community because less than 9% of the original woodland remains intact.
  • Meet your neighbours and like-minded members of the community.
  • Feel a great sense of achievement.
  • Know your local natural areas and learn more about natural area management.

Subscribe to our Bushcare Bulletin to keep up to date with all the latest news and activities in Bushcare!

Want to learn more why Bushcare does what it does? Check out the Bushcare Booster Training modules here