Reimagine Ageing Festival: Thornton Community Garden Open Day
Register for our free open day at Thornton Community Garden for their first anniversary as part of our Reimagine Ageing Festival.
Celebrate and get your hands dirty with gardening for the 1st anniversary of Thornton Community Garden. Test your tastebuds with a blindfold taste testing competition. Take home free seedlings with a giveaway. Get hands-on experience with fresh produce from seed sowing, planting out seedlings through to harvesting and learn about produce you may never have heard of before. Enjoy a free garden tour and see the unique elements of Penrith’s first publicly accessible community garden. Leave your handprint on the memorial wall to commemorate this very special occasion.
Hosted by Thornton Community Group. Free workshop, with morning tea and refreshments provided.
Booking essential. Contact Cathy on 0434 520 690 or email
Thornton Community Garden’s 1st Anniversary is part of Council’s Reimagine Ageing Festival, which provides free workshops for men and women aged 50 and over.
Dates & Times
No upcoming occurrences.