Walk Against Violence
Penrith City Council is proud to announce our participation in the 16 Days of Action Against Gender-Based Violence.
As part of the 16 Days of Action Against Gender-Based Violence, we invite you to join us for the Walk Against Violence.
Date: Sunday 8 December 2024
Time: 9am to 11.30am
Location: Meet at the Blue Tree Nepean Avenue.
Penrith Route: 1.8km, commencing at the Blue Tree.
- Start: Meet at the Blue Tree, Nepean Avenue, Penrith
- Finish: Tench Reserve, Penrith
Following the 1.8km walk, enjoy a free breakfast BBQ supported by our local Rotary clubs, coffee, live music, a poignant installation by the Zonta Club Nepean Valley and interactive activities.
Dates & Times
No upcoming occurrences.