Thank you is enough

Thank you is enough

As the festive season and end of year approaches, it is timely to remind everyone of Council’s ‘Thanks is Enough’ policy as part of our Code of Conduct Policy.

Council promotes the concept that 'Thank You' is enough for doing our job and serving our community. Not accepting gifts confirm Council's commitment to ethical and unbiased decision making, upholding transparency, and is a crucial part of our ability to function and serve all members of our community in the best and fairest possible way. This also demonstrates that Council officials do not expect reward for the job they do, instead a simple ‘thank you’ is enough.

For residents who want to express their appreciation you are welcome to reach out to us by:
Providing feedback via Online Service Portal
Posting to PO Box 60 Penrith NSW 2751 Australia
Or call Customer Service on (02) 4732 7958