Penrith Library closing for renovations

Penrith Library closing for renovations

Sunday, 9 March 2025

Penrith City Library will be closing for foyer and service desk renovations from Monday 24 March to Wednesday 2 April, reopening on Thursday 3 April.

The St Clair and St Marys branches will be open and operating as per normal during this time.
Some services will still be operational at the Penrith branch, including a “click and collect” service. The return chute will remain open and available 24/7.

Library members are welcome to use the “click and collect” service, which will be located outside of the Penrith Theatrette and available from 9-5pm on weekdays and Saturdays and from 10am–5pm on Sundays during the closure. Members can reserve up to three items at a time. To locate this area, head towards Westfield from the Library entrance.

Justice of the Peace appointments will be conducted in the foyer of the Penrith Civic Centre on an appointment basis.

Members are encouraged to visit St Clair Library and St Marys Library for browsing, borrowing, computer usage, photocopying, scanning, printing, and Justice of the Peace appointments during this time.

For more information, visit

Information contained within this news release was correct as at Sunday, 9 March 2025.