RecycleSmart Power Pickups
- Details
- Written by: Teela Griffin Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Some problem waste items can’t be disposed of in your household bins for safety and environmental reasons. To ensure that we are sending problem waste to the right place and protecting our environment, Council has partnered with RecycleSmart to provide Penrith residents with a “from your door” collection service for items like soft plastics, e-waste and textiles.
How do I book a collection?
Organising a collection (or a “Power Pickup”) is easy! Residents can make a booking to have tricky-to-recycle items like textiles and soft plastics collected in a contact free pickup, directly from their front door via the RecycleSmart App (available from the Apple or Play Store) or from the RecycleSmart website.
What’s the best way to present my items for collection?
- Bag your items
Place your items for collection into either RecycleSmart bags or any shopping bag you already own. Each bag should be approximately 20L in size, the same size as a standard reusable shopping bag from your supermarket.
(Don’t worry, your bags will be returned straight after your items are collected and will be placed back where they were found to be reused again.) - Check your booking
RecycleSmart will send you a friendly reminder a week before your scheduled collection date to remind you of your booking. - Put your items out the front
Put your items out the front of your house the morning of your scheduled collection day to be picked up.
Please make sure our collection drivers can safely gain access to the property (gates unlocked, pets are kept safely restrained, no obstacles or vehicles obstructing the path, etc.).
How much do pickups cost?
If you’re looking for something consistent and convenient, where you will have access to regular ongoing pickups of two bags. This service is great for recycling items you come across week in week out like soft plastics and Penrith LGA residents can access this service completely free!