Your chance to reimagine ageing
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- Written by: Teela Griffin Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Tuesday, 13 April 2021
Penrith City Council’s Reimagine Ageing Festival challenges the myth that growing old means slowing down.
Penrith Mayor, Karen McKeown, said the festival, which runs from 13 to 30 April, gives over 50s the chance to try something new, brush up their skills and connect with the community in COVID-Safe ways.
The Reimagine Ageing Festival falls within NSW Seniors Festival. It is a chance to say thanks and turn a spotlight on the contributions of our older residents – whether through volunteering, caring for family or passing on their knowledge and experience to younger generations.
“This year’s NSW Seniors Festival theme is ‘In our nature’,” Cr McKeown said. “And what recent events have shown me is that in Penrith, it is in our nature to be resilient and, most of all, kind.”
In that spirit of kindness, Council has worked with a range of community organisations to put together a fantastic 17-day program of Reimagine Ageing events and activities.
“Council is committed to helping all our residents, regardless of age and ability, to live a healthy, engaged and active life,” Cr McKeown said. “We want Penrith to be a city in which you can get involved, meet new people and be stimulated, no matter what your stage of life, and that’s what the Reimagine Ageing Festival is all about.”
To find out more or book a place in a session, head to
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Tuesday, 13 April 2021.