Time Capsule contents a mix of past, present and future
- Details
- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 council@penrithcity.nsw.gov.au https://www.penrithcity.nsw.gov.au 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Monday, 31 August 2015
A football jersey, an aerial photo of the city, a school uniform and a visitor guide are just a few of the items being included in the time capsule for Penrith’s Bicentenary.
Penrith's community were asked to choose items for the time capsule in a competition run on Council's Facebook page. The winners will take part in burying the time capsule in special ceremony at Thornton Oval on Monday, 7 September.
Mayor Councillor Ross Fowler OAM said the contents of the time capsule reflect Penrith in 2015, but the city's rich history and bright future is also acknowledged.
"With the centenary of ANZAC this year, I was pleased to see a number of people suggest items which commemorate this event and our involvement in the war effort," Cr Fowler said.
"Information about the new airport at Badgerys Creek will also be included to highlight the rapid growth and development of the area, and Penrith's leading role in the future of Sydney."
Cr Ross Fowler said he's been impressed with the response to the competition, and the historical events and activities planned for Penrith's Bicentenary throughout the year.
"We're now at the tail-end of what has been a year-long program of Bicentenary celebrations and the level of engagement from our community is high," Cr Fowler said.
"I think our future residents, those opening the time capsule in 50 years, will be fascinated by this glimpse into our life here in 2015 and will appreciate the efforts of our community to share this with them."
When: Monday 7 September 2015
Time: 2.30pm - 3.30pm
Where: The Garden at the Thornton Estate Sales Centre, Smiths Paddock Oval, Lord Sheffield Circuit, Penrith
What: Official ceremony to bury the time capsule for Penrith's Bicentenary.
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Monday, 31 August 2015.