Thornton development adds to City momentum
- Details
- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Friday, 1 August 2014
The announcement of a forthcoming neighbourhood retail centre and some 450 apartments near Penrith Rail station at Thornton is adding to the mix of quality development momentum in the City.
Penrith Mayor Ross Fowler OAM said: "Council and the Penrith Business Alliance through the Penrith Progression have consistently advocated for this type of investment and development to the City centre.
"We are pleased that St Hilliers and First Point have grabbed that idea and are running with it and this development will be a great asset to the City.
"Penrith Progression is taking the City's 'parts' and bringing them together in the best possible way to attract investment and form connections between housing, transport and community facilities.
"Penrith Progression will continue to open the door to new projects, capital investment and partnerships to further revitalise the City Centre.
"Some $3 billion of investment capital was already mobilised in development projects and the new development at Thornton will add an exciting new dimension to the City's future.
"We know our community want jobs close to home, better infrastructure and services and clean and safe public spaces.
"Thornton and this new development are an important part of our plans to revitalise, re-energise and re-imagine our City Centre: the capital of the thriving New West.
"Penrith Council is proud of its involvement in the Thornton development.
"Initially, we directed $5 million of local infrastructure funds to the area to make it more commercially appealing. This helped in the sale of the site by the Commonwealth to Urban Growth."
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Friday, 1 August 2014.