Sustainable school projects funded
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- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Thursday, 22 October 2015
Three local High Schools will start sustainability projects with funding they received after attending this year’s Schools for Sustainability event.
Schools for Sustainability is a joint project held in conjunction with Western Sydney University, Penrith Lakes Environmental Education Centre and Kingswood High School.
The two day forum saw a number of local High Schools come together where students were challenged to explore global and local sustainability issues through a series of engaging activities. They also heard from inspirational speakers who have created their own innovative sustainability projects such as Tim Silverwood (founder of the 'Take 3' and TedX talker) and the Western Sydney University Solar Car team.
Penrith Mayor Karen McKeown said Council is excited to be one of the coordinators of the Schools for Sustainability event.
"The program saw local schools critically thinking about how they can make a real difference to the community in which they live," Cr McKeown said.
"Western Sydney faces a number of challenges in regards to the environment, but we also have a number of great opportunities too.
"Events like Schools for Sustainability not only give students the opportunity to have an immediate effect on their local area, we're also teaching them to be leaders in our communities into the future."
The projects that have received funding are:
- Emmaus Catholic College will be implementing a composting system so they can recycle their food waste from their food tech and hospitality cohorts, and improve their gardens.
- St Marys Senior High School will be creating an outdoor learning space to be used for classes, complete with vertical vegetable gardens and native plants.
- Kingswood High School will be creating habitat for native animals including nesting boxes for possums and micro bats, as well as 'bee hotels' for native bees.
"The fact that these schools now have funding from Western Sydney University to implement their project ideas is unique and is something we're really proud to be a part of," Cr McKeown said.
Council coordinates the Sustainable Times schools newsletter and is an active supporter of the Hawkesbury Environmental Educators Network (HEEN). Schools interested in learning more about local sustainability programs and events should contact Council's Sustainability Education Officer Andrew Hewson on
You are also welcome to contact the following teachers taking part in the Schools for Sustainability Project.
Leah Harvord
St. Marys Senior High School
Shea Rigney
Kingswood High School
Meike Corbin
Emmaus Catholic College
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Thursday, 22 October 2015.