Supporting our mates
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- Written by: Philippa Borland Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Friday, 20 December 2019
Penrith City Council is supporting our neighbouring Blue Mountains Council as their area faces unprecedented bush fire activity.
Penrith Council is sending staff to assist at two Blue Mountains waste facilities along with arborist expertise to assess trees damaged by fire. Support at the waste facilities will enable Blue Mountains Council to provide extra green waste collections and extended hours for residents to drop off green waste as they continue to prepare for the current threat of fire.
“The fire threat is very real for our neighbouring Blue Mountains residents, as a community I’m proud to say Penrith has always done what it can to support our mates,” Penrith Mayor Ross Fowler OAM said.
“It’s during difficult times that we can make a difference, we supported the cleanup effort during the 2013 bush fires and we’re happy to be helping out again.
“The Council’s Management teams have been working hard over the past few weeks to understand how Penrith can best help and support the Blue Mountains as it faces increased fire threats.
“The assistance provided at the waste collection facilities will mean that residents can continue to prepare and the green waste is then able to be disposed of.
Penrith Council’s General Manager Warwick Winn said, “As a region, we have challenges ahead, but Penrith’s operational support is sure to make a difference and it’s what we do when we band together.”
Blue Mountains City Council has also secured additional trucks from Canberra for the collections as support is sent to the region to assist with the impending fire threat.
Image: National Pass in the Blue Mountains, NSW (copyright David Byrne Waxwings Photography)
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Friday, 20 December 2019.