Supporting Lachlan farmers and community in need
- Details
- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Sunday, 11 November 2018
Penrith City Councillors have joined with Council staff to raise money for drought affected farmers in Lachlan Shire.
Penrith Council and Lachlan Shire in the NSW Central West first entered into a Friendship City Agreement in 2006 and have since enjoyed 12 years of mutual friendship. In this time they have partnered to deliver community programs and events as well as facilitating exchanges between Council staff, local students and sporting groups.
Penrith Mayor, Cr Ross Fowler OAM, said that supporting Lachlan Shire during the drought was an easy decision given the close bond between the two communities.
"Penrith has an incredibly fruitful relationship with Lachlan Shire. Hearing the stories of hardship first hand from Lachlan Shire Mayor Cr John Medcalf has inspired us to come together and raise funds for our rural friends. Together, Penrith Council's staff and Councillors raised $8400 for the community of Lachlan Shire which will be distributed to farmers in need, their families and the wider community."
"Lachlan Shire Council is touched by the generosity and support," Cr Medcalf said.
"The funds donated by Penrith City Council will be donated to drought stricken community members by way of vouchers that can be used to purchase goods at local stores".
"The longstanding friendship between Lachlan and Penrith is incredibly valuable, there have been many highlights and good times over the past 12 years. On behalf of my fellow Councillors I thank Penrith Council for being there for us in these challenging times.
Cr Fowler OAM has pledged Penrith's ongoing support for the Lachlan community as it continues to face tough drought conditions.
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Sunday, 11 November 2018.