Reserve to be named after Ron Mulock
- Details
- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Friday, 12 February 2016
Council has endorsed naming a reserve on Lord Sheffield Circuit, within the Thornton Estate, the 'Ron Mulock Oval'.
Mayor Karen McKeown said naming a significant community facility after the former Penrith Mayor, State Member and Attorney General recognised the impact he had on Penrith City and the State.
"Ron was never about doing things for Ron," Cr McKeown said. "Ron had genuine concern for ordinary people, championed social justice and was a passionate advocate for Western Sydney.
"Ron was known for not only the big things he achieved but also the many little things. It was this quality that drew so many people to him, that made him such a great family man and that underpinned his outstanding political achievements and reforms."
Ron Mulock AO served as an alderman (Councillor) on Penrith City Council for six years and was Mayor on three occasions.
In 1971 he was elected to the State seat of Nepean, serving no less than 10 portfolios including Justice and Services, Transport, Education, Health and Attorney General.
Ron was sworn in as Deputy Premier in 1984, serving Premiers Neville Wran and Barry Unsworth until 1988 when he retired.
He was made an Officer of the order of Australia in 1988.
A staunch Panthers supporter, he was awarded life membership of the Panthers in 1989 and served as Patron of the Panthers club.
Ron was also awarded the title of Honoured Citizen of Council in 2003 for his contributions to Penrith.
He died on 4 September 2014 (aged 84).
Cr McKeown launched the 'Wran Era: The Ron Mulock Memoirs' to a packed gallery of family and esteemed guests in October 2015.
"This honour is truly deserved and in recognition of the impact that he had on the City," Cr McKeown said.
Council will now make an application to the Geographical Names Board for the official gazetting.
Following this process, an official naming ceremony will be held at the oval.
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Friday, 12 February 2016.