Real Festival 2021 Cancelled

Real Festival 2021 Cancelled

Wednesday, 11 August 2021

In light of the current COVID-19 restrictions and to ensure the safety of our community, Real Festival scheduled to be held on 10 and 11 September 2021 has been cancelled.  

Penrith Mayor Karen McKeown OAM thanked the many talented operators, performers, artists and staff who have been working so hard to bring an incredible program to life for our community. 

“Real Festival is an event that brings our community together to celebrate and share amazing arts and cultural experiences in Penrith, and to have fun and enjoy the magical atmosphere the event creates in the spectacular riverside location,” Cr McKeown said.

“In a time where these celebrations and connections are more important than ever, we are disappointed to have to cancel the festival once again, however we know it is the right call to make.”   

“Our festival artists, contractors and crew are also devastated they are unable to share their work with our audiences again this year but are looking forward to when we can all be together again safely,” Cr McKeown added.  

Penrith City Council and the Real Festival team look forward to delivering an extraordinary program from 9 to 11 September 2022 in a brand new and upgraded space in Tench Reserve at the Nepean River. 

Stay connected with Real Festival on Facebook and Instagram to enjoy some virtual experiences from the 2021 program. 

What: Real Festival  

#realfestival #visitpenrith  

Information contained within this news release was correct as at Wednesday, 11 August 2021.