Promoting Penrith New West
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- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Tuesday, 8 March 2016
Penrith New West is being promoted at the Urban Development Institute of Australia (UDIA) National Congress in Adelaide this week.
Penrith Council has a stall at the Congress, which is one of the biggest property development industry events of the year, to showcase all that the New West offers.
Economic Initiatives Manager Kylie Powell said it is the perfect platform to continue the call for partners to help grow the local economy and create jobs.
"Penrith will have a population of 260,000 and an economic catchment of over 1 million people by 2031," Ms Powell said. "We're looking for partners to help build a vibrant city for our growing population."
Penrith Progression: A Plan for Action, released in February 2015, provided a blueprint after extensive consultation with residents, business groups, government agencies, investors, the not-for-profit sectors and educational groups.
"We're now working hard to make that vision a reality," Ms Powell said.
Council representatives are attending the forum, along with Councillors Greg Davies and Jim Aitken OAM. Promotional material, which outlines the New West's investment offer, includes the New West Invitation to Partner launched in December 2015.
"The Congress is the perfect opportunity to explain why Penrith is such an ideal location to invest," Ms Powell said.
"Our lifestyle and location mean people want to live and work here. More and more people are coming to see that Penrith is Sydney's third city."
Caption: (L-R) Executive Manager City Planning & Community Ruth Goldsmith, Councillors Greg Davies and Jim Aitken OAM and Economic Initiatives Manager Kylie Powell are spreading the 'Invest in New West' message at the UDIA Congress.
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Tuesday, 8 March 2016.