Preserving our Penrith
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- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Sunday, 9 September 2018
The importance of South Creek’s unique waterways and natural landscape has been recognised by the NSW Government in a new land use plan for the areas surrounding Western Sydney Airport.
The importance of South Creek's unique waterways and natural landscape has been recognised by the NSW Government in a new land use plan for the areas surrounding Western Sydney Airport.
The release of the first stage of the Government's Land Use and Infrastructure Implementation Plan supports Council's vision for South Creek and commits to the care, preservation and development of the region.
This is welcome news as Council has long held the view that the health of our waterways, green spaces and pristine natural assets are imperative to the future of our City.
"This Land Use Plan ensures that the natural environment of South Creek takes centre stage as our region develops around the new Western Sydney Airport," said Penrith Mayor John Thain.
"South Creek will act as a 'green spine' for the lands around the airport. It will give our community access to more green spaces and recreational opportunities, and ensure that the biodiversity of our region is cared for and nurtured.
"The Government's plan for South Creek includes increased tree planting, more canopy cover and shade, and the creation of permanent water bodies for our residents to enjoy. This will not only encourage the community to make the most of these new green spaces, but it aligns closely with Council's Cooling the City Strategy.
"Council has already been delivering similar projects in Penrith, last year planting almost 100,000 new trees in open spaces across South Penrith and Emu Plains. The commitment from the Government further complements our work in this area.
"With major investment in road and rail upgrades transforming our region, our growing connectedness not only brings our residents more local job and education opportunities, but also better access to our open spaces and recreational activities.
"Penrith's unique location offers a combination of stunning landscapes and sophisticated urban amenities that make it one of the most appealing cities in Western Sydney. We're committed to preserving our natural environment and supporting the active, healthy lifestyle that Penrith is renowned for," Cr Thain said.
The NSW Government is currently calling on the community to have its say on the first stage of the Western Sydney Aerotropolis Land Use and Infrastructure Implementation Plan, which is on exhibition until 12 October 2018. To find out more visit:
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Sunday, 9 September 2018.