Plant a tree to celebrate your Mum on Mother’s Day
- Details
- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Wednesday, 17 April 2019
Create a living legacy for your mum and give back to nature at the annual Trees for Mum community event in Penrith.
This year’s event is on Sunday 12 May from 9am to 12pm at Dorothy Radford Reserve in Daniel Parade St Clair. It’s free to attend and everyone is invited to take part.
Penrith Mayor Ross Fowler OAM said Trees for Mum is now in its 12th year and continues to provide a wonderful way for the community to remember and celebrate their mum.
“Planting a tree is such a simple gesture to honour your mum and can be a very positive and meaningful experience to share with family and friends on Mother’s Day,” Cr Fowler said.“
This annual event is also an important opportunity for residents to learn about our local environment and help restore our endangered bushland by planting native trees and shrubs.”
Participants are encouraged to wear long trousers, a long-sleeve shirt, closed-toe shoes and hats and sunscreen are also highly recommended.
To ensure there are enough trees for everyone to plant, please register your attendance by emailing
Trees for Mum is a national event supported by Landcare Australia.
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Wednesday, 17 April 2019.