Penrith: The Makings of a City to be launched
- Details
- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Thursday, 20 February 2014
After many years of research The Book is Here – Penrith: The Makings of a City will be officially launched on Friday 7 March.
The book is an authoritative account of the City's history to the 21st century and a companion volume to the 1988 Council-funded Dharug and Dungaree: The History of Penrith and St Marys to 1860.
Author of the new volume, Penrith City Library's Information Librarian Lorraine Stacker, said the new historical account acknowledges the strength of the people of Penrith and their faith in their community.
"It's a story full of the highs and lows that are reflected in the broader history of Australia," she said.
"Penrith: The Makings of a City recognises the important connection between the community and its local administrators, Penrith City Council, which has since its formation been a champion for its community."
This publication encompasses the history of all the districts, villages and towns that make up the City of Penrith. The city-wide range is from Colyton and Oxley Park in the east, to Emu Plains in the west, Wallacia, Luddenham and Kemps Creek in the south and Agnes Banks and Berkshire Park in the north - 404 square kilometres!
Penrith Mayor Ross Fowler OAM said Mrs Stacker had been commissioned by Council to write the history of the City after the success of Dharug and Dungaree: The History of Penrith and St Marys to 1860.
"Lorraine should be congratulated for her tireless dedication to marking the history of this great City," Cr Fowler said.
"The final words in the new book say it all: 'Penrith has across its history been: a bountiful home for its first inhabitants - a frontier for pioneering farming families - a prison farm for the colony - an administrative centre - a rural and urban community nurturing patriotic Australians - an industrial centre for Australia - a sporting venue for the world and all of these have played their part in the makings of the City of Penrith'."
Penrith: The Makings of a City is 472 pages and contains 193 images, with a combined 31-page index of both volumes. It also has a comprehensive bibliography for further reading and a chronology of historical events.
The Book is here! Penrith: The Makings of a City, by Lorraine Stacker will be available from Saturday 8 March, for $50. It will be sold at Penrith City Library's various branches, Council's service desks and the Visitor Information Centre.
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Thursday, 20 February 2014.