Penrith history calendar coming soon
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- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Tuesday, 4 December 2018
Did you know that Penrith was once home to the world walking champion? Do you remember when the Emu Plains rail underpass opened? (Spoiler alert – it was 1989). Brush up on your local history with the 2019 Penrith history calendar.
Did you know that Penrith was once home to the world walking champion? Do you remember when the Emu Plains rail underpass opened? (Spoiler alert - it was 1989). Brush up on your local history with the 2019 Penrith history calendar.
Penrith Library's Research Services team have mined the archives of Penrith's history to create the calendar, which contrasts 'then and now' pictures showing who we were and how we've grown.
Delve into our past with historical notes that provide an enlightening and colourful commentary of the city's past. In February 1919, all outdoor gatherings were prohibited and all hotels closed due to the outbreak of pneumonic influenza. Ten years later, a cat was the subject of controversy at a Council meeting when a resident expressed their displeasure by bringing along a feline friend.
The Library's photographic collection and the Research Services team are a key part of preserving our history and paint a picture of how we have grown from an outpost to a city. Research Services staff are available to help with requests. In the new year the Library will open a refurbished Research Room that will house the local and specialist collections so that you can get hands on with our history.
Calendars are available at the Library and the Nepean Family History Society from December for $10.
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Tuesday, 4 December 2018.