North South Rail puts region on the right track
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- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Thursday, 22 March 2018
Penrith Council’s long-held vision for a thriving region and community is taking shape with the State and Federal Governments committing to fund Stage One of a North South Rail Link under the Western City Deal.
Penrith Council's long-held vision for a thriving region and community is taking shape with the State and Federal Governments committing to fund Stage One of a North South Rail Link under the Western City Deal.
The first stage of the North South Rail Link connects St Marys to the new Badgerys Creek Aerotropolis and Western Sydney Airport and is expected to stimulate unprecedented growth and opportunities in the corridors connecting these areas.
Penrith Mayor John Thain said the new rail line is the single most important piece of infrastructure needed in the region, and when it opens in 2026 it's our Penrith residents who will benefit most.
"Any opportunity for the region needs to translate into positive outcomes and tangible benefits for our residents, and North South Rail is set to deliver these on a scale we've never seen before, "Cr Thain said.
"The North South Rail Link will stimulate local employment hubs and new centres, invigorate housing development, improve public transport connections, reduce congestion on the roads and attract investment all along route.
"For residents this translates into jobs close to home, short commutes, less congestion on roads, more affordable housing, access to world-class schools, universities and hospitals and a huge improvement in their quality of life.
"The North South Rail Link will transform the region, but most importantly it will transform the lives of the people who live here. Council will continue to work closely with the State and Federal Governments on the delivery of this project to ensure all opportunities are maximised for the people of Penrith, "Cr Thain said.
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Thursday, 22 March 2018.