New employment area brings over 22,000 jobs to Penrith
- Details
- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Thursday, 30 August 2018
Penrith is projected to be home to over 22,000 new local jobs as a result of the recent land use planning announcement by the NSW Government for the land surrounding the Western Sydney Airport.
The release of the first stage of the Land Use and Infrastructure Implementation Plan supports Council's vision for significantly more local jobs in the region, with the airport being a catalyst for this growth.
"Planning for land use around the airport isn't just about buildings. This transformative investment is about the future jobs, educational opportunities, housing and parklands that will be available to our residents," said Penrith Mayor John Thain.
"This is another game-changer for Penrith, with the capacity to supercharge our local economy and provide an array of lifestyle benefits for our City's residents," Cr Thain said.
These new opportunities will be located within the Northern Gateway Precinct in Penrith, at the entrance to Western Sydney Airport.
The Northern Gateway Precinct will be a centre for jobs focusing on high technology, education, research and development, with links to food production and processing. This complements the world-leading developments already underway in Penrith.
"There's no doubt that strong links will be developed with The Quarter, Penrith's award-winning health and education precinct - a leading centre for engagement and innovation that's set to create an additional 6,000 local jobs over the next decade," said Cr Thain.
"The Northern Gateway Precinct includes the Sydney Science Park at Luddenham, which is forecast to create over 12,000 knowledge based jobs and unique future opportunities for collaboration and growth; resulting in valuable opportunities for our residents.
"Critical to making the most of these future partnerships is ensuring our residents have access. That's why we championed the case for the North South Rail Link and support the major road upgrades being delivered as part of the Western Sydney Infrastructure Plan," Cr Thain said.
Stage 1 of the Western Sydney Aerotropolis Land Use and Infrastructure Implementation Plan is on exhibition until 12 October 2018. To find out more and to have your say, visit:
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Thursday, 30 August 2018.