New Design for the Triangle Park
- Details
- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Thursday, 29 October 2015
Earlier this year, Council endorsed a permanent park at the western end of High Street where the temporary ‘pop up park’ has been since 2013.
The 'triangle' park turned a road at the western end of Penrith's High Street into a popular public space over one exciting week in 2013. The decision to establish a permanent park on the site followed a successful 16 month trial, during which the space hosted a range of community events and was enjoyed as a place to relax and connect by many residents, workers and visitors.
It's now time to create a high quality permanent park that responds to the needs of local residents, businesses, visitors and other stakeholders.
Council has commissioned landscape architects JMD Design, collaborating with engagement specialists JOC Consulting to deliver Penrith's new park and we are now inviting community input into its design. JMD Design recently completed the new upgrades to Parramatta's Centenary Square.
"This is an exciting opportunity, part of our efforts to green and cool our City to inject new life into our City Centre", Penrith Mayor Karen McKeown said.
"The long term success of the project depends on our community having their say on what kind of park they want in the Penrith City Centre," she said.
Council will hold a Community Design Workshop (facilitated by JOC Consulting) on Tuesday 10 November at 6pm.
Get more information on the Triangle Park page.
The pop up park's location was identified in the Penrith City Centre Public Domain Masterplan as a 'staying place' park where leisure and dining defines the precinct.
The vision for the site calls for the park to:
- be a distinctive, original and exceptional space
- attract people, provide a destination and encourage repeat visits
- be safe, accessible and pedestrian friendly
- support 'eat street' business, attracting development and renewal, facilitating outdoor dining
- encourage night time activation
- be a flexible space accommodating a program of events
- meet targets of 50% accessible furniture, and
- use durable, robust, sustainable materials that consider maintenance.
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Thursday, 29 October 2015.