New car park at North Street
- Details
- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Friday, 3 August 2018
Construction of a new, modern and open car park at North Street will commence on Monday 6 August 2018.
Construction of a new, modern and open car park at North Street will commence on Monday 6 August.
The new car park will support the city's local businesses, workers, shoppers and visitors, delivering up to 230 car parking spaces.
The car park will have easy access with a new pedestrian ramp linked to Lemongrove Bridge and a convenient driveway at the car park's entrance at Henry and Doonmore Streets.
Penrith Mayor John Thain said that Council was delivering on its commitment to provide more parking options for the community.
"The construction of the car park at North Street is an important step in Council's plans to provide a variety of parking options in Penrith, close to our City Centre shops and services," said Cr Thain.
"The North Street car park will be completed and in use before construction starts on a new multi-deck car park at Soper Place, helping to mitigate any parking disruption resulting from the building work.
"Once complete, the two new car parks at Soper Place and North Street will increase the number of car parking spaces in the City Centre by more than 800 spots.
"Weather permitting, the new car park at North Street will be fully completed by early 2019.
"While these car parks will provide additional space, parking across the city remains a complex issue. As Penrith continues to grow it is important for residents and visitors to consider all of the transport options and look for alternatives to driving whenever possible.
"Our City Centre is evolving and it's vital that we ensure people can move about to access the businesses, services and attractions that make Penrith such a unique and vibrant place," Cr Thain said.
Western Earthmoving will undertake construction of the new car park. The company has a demonstrated track record in delivering similar projects for other councils and private clients.
During construction there will be some minor disruption to traffic and pedestrian access along Henry and Doonmore Streets. Council apologises for any inconvenience.
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Friday, 3 August 2018.