New boat ramp improves access to river
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- Written by: Taryn Kennedy Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Thursday, 31 October 2019
The new boat ramp at Tench Reserve has been officially opened today by the Hon. Senator for Western Sydney Marise Payne, Member for Lindsay Melissa McIntosh, State Member for Penrith Stuart Ayres and Penrith Mayor Ross Fowler OAM.
The $6.7million upgrade funded by the Australian Government, NSW Government and Penrith City Council, involved construction of a new three lane boat ramp, additional car and trailer parking as well as car only parking, jetties and access roads.
Penrith City Council project managed the construction of the ramp with funding from the Australian Government’s Community Development Grants (CDG), NSW Government’s Better Boating Now and Council reserves.
Penrith Mayor Ross Fowler OAM thanked the Australian and State Governments saying the upgraded facilities on the Nepean River will be well utilised over summer.
“This project would not be possible without the three levels of government working together to provide much needed infrastructure to the people of Penrith and Western Sydney,” Cr Fowler said.
“The quality of the final product is a testament to the Council staff who managed the project from its inception, to design and construction ahead of its final delivery for the community.
“The Nepean River, and the surrounds, are a natural asset that are enjoyed by hundreds of thousand of people each year. The river offers a wide range of leisure and recreation opportunities which people come to Penrith to enjoy.
“Boating and water activities on the river are incredibly popular during the warmer months. The new facilities will offer a safer experience for anyone wanting to get out on the water while providing plenty of parking.”
The new ramp provides another integral piece of the ‘Our River Masterplan’ which outlines Council’s commitment to protect and celebrate the River and to better connect the community and residents to this spectacular natural resource.
Photo caption: Federal Member for Lindsay Melissa McIntosh MP, Penrith Mayor Ross Fowler OAM, Senator for Western Sydney and Minister of Foreign Affairs the Hon. Marise Payne and Member for Penrith Minister for Jobs, Infrastructure, Tourism and Western Sydney, the Hon. Stuart Ayres cut the ribbon to officially open the new boat ramp at Tench Reserve.
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Thursday, 31 October 2019.