NAIDOC Week 2019 celebrations
- Details

Monday, 24 June 2019
Penrith City Council and the NAIDOC planning committee are proud to once again host a fun and inclusive day of celebrations at Jamison Park on Friday 12 July between 9.30am and 3pm to celebrate NAIDOC Week.
NAIDOC Week is an opportunity to celebrate the importance of our Aboriginal heritage and the important contribution Penrith’s Aboriginal population makes to our community, making it a richer and more vibrant city.
Penrith Mayor Ross Fowler OAM invites everyone to join the annual celebrations at Jamison Park. It promises to be an action-packed day filled with activities, mixed netball and touch football, performances, food and information stalls.
“Penrith is proud to once again host one of the biggest celebrations in NSW,” Cr Fowler said.
“It’s a wonderful day at Jamison Park for the whole community to come together to learn and celebrate our Aboriginal heritage and the contribution Penrith’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people make in our community and City.
“The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures are the oldest continuing cultures on our planet and Council recognises these cultures have often endured, struggled and survived against a backdrop of adversity,” he continued.
“NAIDOC Week is an event I encourage everyone to get involved with,” he said.
This year’s theme is ‘Voice. Treaty. Truth. Let’s work together for a shared future’ which aims to emphasise and celebrate the importance of working together equally for a united future.
All the details of this year’s NAIDOC Week celebrations are available at:
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Monday, 24 June 2019.