Keep hydrated with new water refill stations
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- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Thursday, 19 April 2018
New water refill stations have been installed across the Penrith local government area in partnership with Sydney Water.
New water refill stations have been installed across the Penrith local government area in partnership with Sydney Water to make it easier for the community to access clean drinking water in public places, and to reduce the use of plastic bottles.
Council is encouraging people to stay hydrated, especially on hot days, and refill their water bottles with fresh tap water at the new water refill stations.
The stations are located at Jamison Park, Penrith, Ched Towns Reserve, Glenmore Park, Werrington Lakes, Victoria Park, St Marys and Duke's Oval, Emu Plains.
The Mayor, Councillor John Thain said this is a great initiative to encourage people to avoid bottled water by using their own refillable bottles.
"The water stations will provide a convenient and safe source of water for people when they are out and about as well as helping our local environment. Already Council has received some really positive comments from users of these valuable new assets for our community", Councillor Thain said.
Sydney Water removes over one million plastic bottles from waterways each year across their area of operations.
Kelly Climo, Senior Marketing Advisor at Sydney Water said, "We are delighted to be partnering with Penrith City Council to provide the community with high quality drinking water in convenient locations."
"We have some of the best drinking water in the world and it's already filtered by Sydney Water."
The water refill stations are easy to use and also offer options to drink directly from the station, or to fill your water bottle. They also provide a dog bowl so that your furry friend can grab a drink too.
Penrith Mayor John Thain tops up his water bottle at one of the new water refill stations.
(L-R) Penrith Mayor John Thain, PCC Open Space Projects Officer James Craig, Sydney Water Senior Marketing Advisor Kelly Climo and PCC Sustainability Coordinator Carmel Hamilton at the new water refill station at Victoria Park, St Marys.
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Thursday, 19 April 2018.