Join us at the Village Café Kingswood
- Details
- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Tuesday, 6 November 2018
After the huge success of the Village Café project in North St Marys, Penrith Council, in conjunction with local community service providers, is launching the Village Café in Kingswood.
After the huge success of the Village Café project in North St Marys, Penrith Council, in conjunction with local community service providers, is launching the Village Café in Kingswood.
The project aims to improve the community connections and wellbeing of Kingswood residents by providing a place for locals to come together, connect with each other and improve their wellbeing. The Village Café is a fortnightly pop up café, with delicious coffee and fresh produce, as well as arts activities and wellbeing services.
The first Village Café in Kingswood will be held on Thursday 15 November from 9.30-11.30am at Wainwright Park. Local residents will be able to pick up some free fruit and veg and have a chat while enjoying a free cup of barista-made coffee (or tea).
Following the launch, the pop up café will be held every second Thursday at the Wainwright Park, 19 Bringelly Road, Kingswood from 9.30-11.30am.
Penrith Mayor, Ross Fowler OAM said he is very excited to see this project come to Kingswood for the next six months.
"This fantastic project is much more than a pop up café - it's a friendly and safe space for people living in Kingswood to meet up, have a chat over a cuppa, as well as find out more about local services or pass on feedback about what their community needs," Cr Fowler said.
"Kingswood is home to a diverse mix of residents, including medical professionals working at Nepean Hospital, students studying at Western Sydney University, as well as long-term residents who have been the bedrock of the greater Penrith community for many generations. This project is a really great opportunity to find out how we can best support this rich and diverse community in Kingswood.
"We want to find out what the community needs, and then work together with local services and the residents themselves to help them build connections and feel safer and stronger as a community," he said.
Everyone is welcome and warmly encouraged to attend.
The Village Café is funded by Penrith City Council's Neighbourhood Renewal team working with local community service providers for people living in Kingswood.
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Tuesday, 6 November 2018.