Inner city living becoming a reality
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- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Wednesday, 3 June 2015
A recent unprecedented boom in residential development applications in Penrith will soon make inner city apartment living a reality, creating a vibrant City Centre and a healthy night time economy.
More than $300 million in development applications have recently been lodged, including four within one week, proposing close to 250 apartments. In some cases apartments are selling 'off the plan', indicating interest is high.
According to Penrith Mayor, Ross Fowler OAM, as demand for residential development escalates, Council is committed to 'smart growth'. "Smart growth includes considering building impacts such as shade, parking and traffic for the city as a whole, rather than just site by site."
When it comes to building heights, Council's approach is strategic. Typically, higher density buildings would occur around the commercial centre and the station, with some key gateway sites considered for slightly higher developments.
Design quality and excellence is a key consideration when looking at both building heights and the impacts on the city as a whole.
Penrith Progression Director, Craig Butler, said mixed use developments are encouraged, as they bring jobs and a vibrancy, as well as apartments, to the city centre.
"It's important the city centre offers a mix of housing types, including affordable housing, apartments for families, singles and seniors. Living in the city centre means better access to services, easier commuting and more entertainment and lifestyle options.
"The target, for Penrith Progression, is to house 10 000 people and create 10 000 new jobs in the City Centre. It's all part of the bigger picture to invest in smart growth in our City Centre, the heart of the thriving New West."
For more information and updates visit the Penrith New West page.
Recent residential development proposals:
- St Hillier's, Thornton - 190 apartments
- Panthers, Penrith - Seniors living: 127 independent living units, 126 bed residential care facility
- Barber Street, Penrith - 52 apartments
- Lord Sheffield Circuit, Thornton - 151 units + 151 Affordable Housing units
- Jordan Springs - 138 apartments
- Phillip Street, St Marys - 49 units
- Great Western Highway, St Marys - 53 units
- Carson Lane, St Marys - 289 units
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Wednesday, 3 June 2015.