How government can work together for smarter cities
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- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Monday, 18 April 2016
“Penrith is such a go ahead city and it was a real pleasure to catch up with Deputy Mayor Ross Fowler to talk about how we get more local jobs, better transport and housing,” Assistant Minister for Cities Angus Taylor said.
Penrith's role as a Regional City and how its success is integral to the future of Western Sydney and Australia was the topic of Penrith Council's meeting with the Minister and Member for Lindsay, Fiona Scott on 15 April.
The Minister received an overview of Penrith's significant potential, the opportunities for economic uplift around the airport and the increased productivity that can be realised through better infrastructure and local jobs.
Penrith Deputy Mayor Ross Fowler OAM said Penrith has a lot to offer. "We are a strong Council with a bold vision and we're talking to all levels of Government about how a stronger Penrith is in the nation's best interests.
"As the Government prepares to launch its Cities agenda, it was a prime opportunity to make a case for transformative investment that will reap dividends both for the City, the Region and Government," Cr Fowler said.
As the new Assistant Minister for Cities, Mr Taylor said he will be working closely with his colleague Member for Lindsay Fiona Scott to encourage growth that is sustainable for Penrith, supported by necessary infrastructure.
"Western Sydney Airport will bring extraordinary opportunities for the area but we need to get transport services, including rail, and other services absolutely right."
"The Government is taking a new approach to funding big infrastructure projects where we'll be getting in earlier in the proposal stages as an active investor not a passive grant giver. Our cities agenda is about partnering with local and state governments, capturing more value from the Government's infrastructure investments, and building better cities.
"Penrith is already a great city but I am keen to see how we can get more jobs locally, closer to people's homes, so it becomes a more liveable city into the future," Mr Taylor said.
Penrith Mayor Karen McKeown said "Penrith is the heart of the New West and we're making things happen, not waiting for them to happen. We're taking every opportunity to tell Penrith's story ahead of the Federal election."
Ms Scott said the recent electoral redistribution had made Minister Taylor (Hume) and Lindsay neighbours.
"I am delighted by the visit to our electorate today and meeting with Penrith City Council. We discussed opportunities on how our governments can work together to build the new west and deliver a prosperous future for our region. Today's meeting was crucial so that together we can fight for a 'fair go' for our future," Ms Scott said.
Photo caption: Deputy Mayor Ross Fowler OAM presented Council's 2016 Priorities document to Assistant Minister for Cities and Digital Transformation and Member for Hume Angus Taylor MP, who was invited to Penrith by Lindsay MP Fiona Scott.
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Monday, 18 April 2016.