High Street is getting a face lift
- Details
- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 council@penrithcity.nsw.gov.au https://www.penrithcity.nsw.gov.au 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Monday, 26 March 2018
Penrith Council is about to start upgrading and transforming High Street in the Penrith city centre.
Penrith Council is about to start upgrading and transforming High Street in the Penrith city centre. This is an important, city-shaping project that will renew the city centre and have major benefits for residents, workers, visitors and local businesses.
We will be injecting new life into High Street, improving and increasing outdoor dining spaces, making shops easier to access and making Penrith's city centre more sustainable.
We'll also be upgrading drainage infrastructure within High Street to reduce flash flooding and future-proof the city centre.
Penrith Mayor Cr John Thain said that once the works are completed, High Street will be a more liveable and desirable place to be, day and night.
"High Street is our city centre and it is in real need of some upgrades," Cr Thain said.
"These works will make it an attractive and inviting place, somewhere everyone can access easily, and provide more opportunities for businesses to thrive in a 24-hour economy.
"As you would appreciate, this is a huge undertaking and the works involved are extensive, which means it will take time, and there will be some disruption to High Street," Cr Thain continued.
"We know that disruption is never welcome news, but it is necessary to renew the city centre and give Penrith a main street we can all enjoy now and for years to come.
"Council staff are doing everything possible to minimise the disruption and keep High Street open for everyone," he said.
The works along High Street will be done in sections, and night works will be done where possible. Council will also be working closely with our contractor to communicate with local businesses and the community at every stage of the works.
Section 1 will start on Monday 9 April, with works happening between Woodriff and Station streets. There will be some changes to traffic access during the works, so it's important that you follow the directions of signs and traffic controllers when you're in the area.
You can read the detailed project plan, and stay up to date with the project's progress on Council's High Street Upgrade Project page.
You can also get information about parking and access from businesses along High Street, as well as the Penrith CBD Corporation and the Chamber of Commerce.
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Monday, 26 March 2018.