Help us shape High Street’s Triangle Park
- Details
- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Monday, 29 February 2016
Getting the City’s newest public space just right is the aim of an upcoming workshop about High Street’s triangle park.
A pop up park where Henry and High Streets meet was successfully trialled from 2013, creating a space for community events and a spot to sit and relax with friends. Based on community feedback Council is now creating a permanent park.
"We've spoken to business and community representatives to get their ideas about what they want the park to be," Penrith Mayor Karen McKeown said.
"We heard you want the park to a green space, helping to cool the area and inject new life into the City Centre. You also told us you want it to be active, inviting, safe and supportive to business."
Two options for the future park will be unveiled in March and the community is encouraged to review the plans and provide feedback.
"We want to know if we've got it right - you can see the concepts and hear from the landscape architects about how Triangle Park will become a comfortable, active and sustainable place," Cr McKeown said.
Look at the concepts and fill out a short survey. The survey will be live from Thursday 25 February to 11 March 2016.
Venue: Penrith Library Theatrette, 601 High St, Penrith NSW 2750
Date: Wednesday 9 March 2016
Time: 6pm -7:30pm
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Monday, 29 February 2016.