Government and landowners unite for rail link
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- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Thursday, 21 April 2016
Penrith has joined other Western Sydney councils, major landowners and advocacy groups to campaign for Sydney's missing rail link.
Penrith has joined other Western Sydney's councils, major landowners and advocacy groups to campaign for Sydney's missing rail link - a 'north/south spine' through Badgerys Creek Airport that links major regional residential and employment zones between Marsden Park and Campbelltown.
Penrith Mayor Karen McKeown said to maximise Western Sydney's productivity and realise the region's potential there needs to be more connection between the North West and South West Growth Centres.
"Rail will re-shape the region and be followed by new town centres that are thick with jobs of the future," Councillor McKeown said.
The Western Sydney Rail Alliance comprising of Campbelltown, Liverpool and Penrith Councils, Sydney University, south-west and north-west landowners, and the Committee for Sydney and Western Sydney Leadership Dialogue are united in their calls for a rail connection along the north-south corridor, stretching from Campbelltown/Camden in the South West through to Marsden Park in the North West.
Known as the 'innovation corridor' which was the focus for a WSU report last year, the route would link Western Sydney's massive growth areas, as well as Badgerys Creek Airport, the Sydney Science Park and major tertiary institutions.
The Alliance has been established to respond to the Joint NSW/Federal Government Investigation into Rail Options for Western Sydney, and has appointed Deloitte and Arup to prepare a detailed submission, analysing the opportunities and challenges that exist in the corridor and how improved transport links will unlock the jobs, homes and education of the future. Importantly, the study will also examine the 'value capture' potential of this corridor, to help meet the costs of construction.
The one critical thing missing in Sydney's transport network is the north-south spine, a connection that links to all of the key growth and employment areas. Make no mistake, this is not just about leveraging the once in a lifetime opportunities that come with the Western Sydney Airport, but about connecting Western Sydney with Western Sydney," Convenor of the Western Sydney Rail Alliance, Christopher Brown said.
We see a rail connection along the innovation corridor as the catalyst that will drive the smart jobs of tomorrow and when integrated with current metro and heavy rail and light rail plans, will form a complete orbital transport network that works for all of Sydney."
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Thursday, 21 April 2016.