Free clean up events
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- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Thursday, 21 February 2019
Why wait until Spring to have a good clean out around the house? Autumn is the perfect time to get cleaning, especially with Clean Up Australia Day on Sunday 3 March.
To help you get in the ‘clean up’ spirit, Council’s Waste Services are holding two free events to help you get rid of your problematic waste.
The weekend of 9 and 10 March is the Chemical CleanOut event. You can bring old household cleaners, paint products, pool chemicals, batteries, gas bottles and oils to Jamison Park for free and safe disposal between 9am – 3.30pm both days. This event is hosted by Council, and run by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Council’s Electronic Waste Drop-Off Day will be held the following weekend, on Saturday 16 March. You can bring your unwanted electrical items to Jamison Park between 9am – 3.30pm and Council staff will recycle the items for you, for free.
The entrance to both drop-off days is via Jamison Road, and Council urges all other park users to avoid this entrance on the day so they don’t get caught in the queue and traffic.
Penrith Mayor Ross Fowler OAM said these events are great initiatives and praised residents for their commitment to recycling.
"Council’s Waste Services team run these events every year, and each time large quantities of waste are recycled or safely disposed of,"” Cr Fowler said.
"It’s vital to the health of our City and residents that we recycle what we can and keep anything toxic out of landfill so we’re not damaging the land and I know our Waste team work hard to improve the process each year so it’s as quick and easy as possible for residents," he continued.
"I encourage all residents to collect any electronic waste or chemicals they may have around the house and bring them to these events," Cr Fowler concluded.
Find out more about Council’s clean up events and what is accepted on the Chemical Cleanout Days event page and the Electronic Waste Drop-off Day event page.
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Thursday, 21 February 2019.