Final design unveiled for Regatta Park's transformation
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- Written by: Teela Griffin Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Monday, 14 December 2020
Regatta Park on the Nepean River is set to become the new focal point for nature, leisure and recreation in Western Sydney with the final design for a $24 million upgrade showcasing a spectacular transformation.
The final design released today is the result of years of careful planning, and consultation with the community and brings to life a shared vision for Regatta Park as a dynamic space that celebrates, activates, and enhances the Nepean River.
Funding to transform Regatta Park was announced as part of the Western Sydney City Deal, with $9 million contributed from Penrith City Council and $15 million from the Australian and NSW Governments through the Western Sydney City Deal’s Western Parkland City Liveability Program.
Penrith Mayor Karen McKeown OAM said the Regatta Park project showcases collaboration between all levels of government and the community to deliver a city-shaping project which will be enjoyed for generations to come.
“Regatta Park is an important and much-loved part of the Nepean River precinct and it’s wonderful to see all levels of government and our community work together to create an iconic park for Penrith that we can all be proud of,” Cr McKeown said.
“The delivery of the new Regatta Park precinct and Council’s ongoing program of work to revitalise the Nepean River will further strengthen Penrith’s position as Western Sydney’s most liveable city.”
Melissa McIntosh MP, Federal Member for Lindsay, said this significant investment will not only create a fantastic space for local families to enjoy, but also a unique area that will attract visitors from all over Western Sydney.
“Our community took an active role in designing an interactive play space which is fully fenced and includes play equipment for children of all ages which is a key feature of Regatta Park. This is a fantastic display of community spirit and I look forward to seeing the project when it is underway,” said Ms McIntosh.
“Families will be able to access a pathway to the river, new playgrounds, outdoor dining and kiosk areas as well as sporting ovals. These upgrades and enhancing our natural environment also mean families have access to healthy, active living in our community.”
Minister for Western Sydney Stuart Ayres said Regatta Park was already a destination for Penrith residents and the planned upgrade would make the most of the open space.
“Fresh air, recreation, and the great outdoors have never been more important to Sydneysiders,” Mr Ayres said.
“This massive investment will transform the experience of a visit to Regatta Park and make it a valued local asset for generations to come.”
The final design features two new playgrounds, an accessible pathway to the river foreshore, over-water viewing platforms, a kiosk with outdoor dining areas, junior cricket oval, functional carpark and green open space areas for a variety of activities.
A key feature of the new Regatta Park is a new inclusive play space which was designed by the community using an interactive online tool earlier this year. The play space is fully fenced and includes high-quality play equipment for kids of all ages.
An additional 400 trees are set to be planted throughout the precinct to increase Penrith’s green grid, provide natural shade as well as create a shaded link from Penrith’s City Centre to the Nepean River.
Further enhancement of Regatta Park is planned in the future with the adaptive reuse of the Old Police Cottage. Council is working to restore this heritage building and bring it to life with a café and restaurant that offers magnificent views of the Nepean River.
Construction of the project is due to start in June 2021, with the upgrade set to be complete in 2022.
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Information contained within this news release was correct as at Monday, 14 December 2020.