Exciting Arts Initiative Off and Running
- Details
- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 council@penrithcity.nsw.gov.au https://www.penrithcity.nsw.gov.au 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Monday, 5 February 2018
Penrith City Council’s exciting new arts Initiative - the DiG (Digital) Maker Space Program was launched on Monday at its project office in the Penrith CBD.
Penrith City Council's exciting new arts Initiative - the DiG (Digital) Maker Space Program was launched on Monday at its project office in the Penrith CBD.
The program is the first of its kind providing a 16-week residency for selected creative professionals to work with a professional mentor to guide, support and inspire them to deliver a specified project.
Penrith Mayor Councillor John Thain said the experience gained through the mentorship provides significant pathways for participants into gainful employment within the creative industries.
"This is the first of three Residency programs that are scheduled to be run over the next 18 months and both mentors and creative candidates are encouraged to get involved in the program to expand their networks and gain new skills," Councillor Thain said.
The project for the first residency program has been commissioned by Council's own Sustainability Department. In keeping with Council's 'Cooling the City' strategy the project brief is framed to deliver a series of digital artworks that engage people in a positive way about the benefits of trees and green cover in Penrith's urban environments.
Mentor for this first project is David Clarkson, Director of Stalker Theatre, one of Australia's leading physical theatre companies. David will mentor five emerging creatives to develop their ability to work within a multi-disciplinary creative team.
"Creative industries are important to the local community and play a positive role in contributing to social cohesion and shaping individuals and regions," Councillor Thain said.
"More than ever before creativity is being embraced by individuals, society and employers. Council is delighted to be leading the charge in the development of creative industries in Western Sydney."
The DiG Digital Maker Space project is funded by Create NSW. Council also receives support from project partners - Western Sydney University, TAFE NSW and the Penrith Performing & Visual Arts (PP&VA).
There will be another call for Expressions of Interest in May 2018 for creative individuals to be part of the second program that starts in early September 2018.
Photo caption: (Backrow L-R): Project mentor David Clarkson and Penrith Mayor John Thain with the five creatives who will take on the first project of the DiG (Digital) Maker Space Program.
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Monday, 5 February 2018.