Economic initiatives drive future Penrith
- Details
- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Monday, 7 September 2015
Council is currently developing a new comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (EDS) for the City.
This Strategy is based on detailed research, workshop feedback and a business sentiment survey. It will ensure the Penrith of the future is the best it can be.
"We're bringing fresh thinking to the economic planning process by combining research with first-hand experiences of the many successful business operators in the Penrith Region," Penrith Mayor Ross Fowler OAM said.
"With contemporary thinking and informed by detailed research, the project will identify strategies to deliver a sustainable economic future for Penrith."
Economic Initiatives Manager, Kylie Powell, said the potential in Penrith was enormous, and it's important the opportunities are maximised.
"We are at the heart of the North West and South West growth centres, we're close to the airport and a logical hub for innovative industries of the future. This is our plan to ensure Penrith remains the centre of the action, the New West," Ms Powell said.
An Economic Development Strategy workshop in late July looked at the city's economic strengths and opportunities. The workshop provided suggestions and ideas for the future, as well as identifying priority issues and key strategies to address them.
Following the workshop, Council began surveying businesses across Penrith about employment, business conditions and their experience of running a business. The Business Sentiment Survey results will add significant weight to Council's Economic Development Strategy and help drive job growth in the region.
"We're also undertaking a Night Time Economy strategy," said Ms Powell, "and finalising an Invest in New West prospectus for potential investors in our city".
Kylie Powell commenced at council as Economic Initiatives Manager on August 10. "I'm thrilled to be onboard and looking forward to the challenges ahead," said Kylie. "It's an exciting time."
Updates on the EDS, Night Time Economy Strategy and other economic initiatives will be available on the new Invest in New West page on council's website.
When: Tuesday, September 8
Time: 1pm
Where: Werrington Corporate Park, UWS Campus, Great Western Highway, Kingswood
What: Penrith Mayor Ross Fowler OAM and Economic Initiatives Manager, Kylie Powell
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Monday, 7 September 2015.