Council works to secure maximum benefits from airport
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- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Tuesday, 26 May 2015
Maximising the benefits and minimising the impacts are the top priorities for Council after conditionally agreeing to support the development of an airport at Badgerys Creek.
Council will lobby on behalf of the community for roads and trains, jobs and environmental outcomes in the planning of the airport as well as conditions on operating hours.
"In coming weeks we'll be making representations to the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development and State and Federal members. Council wants the Sydney Airport Curfew Act 1995 to be amended to the Sydney Airports Curfew Act to cover operating hours at the proposed airport," Penrith Mayor Ross Fowler OAM said.
"We'll also be pushing for a minimum 90 days to review and respond to the Environmental Impact Statement - it's critical we have time to prepare a detailed, considered response on behalf of our community.
Cr Fowler said ensuring the Government honours its commitment of roads first, airport second is essential to Council's support.
"Already our residents are forced to contend with inadequate infrastructure and traffic congestion getting in and around the City, particularly north - south, this would be exacerbated by an airport without the right road and rail connectivity.
"There are tremendous opportunities for Council to call for action to redress longstanding issues and it's equally important we have our say on environmental impacts as well as the effect an airport of any size will have on our community's health and wellbeing," Cr Fowler said.
To facilitate an independent review of the eagerly awaited Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Penrith Council is pooling resources with neighbouring councils and contributing $60,000 towards an expert review. The EIS will consider a range of factors including the environmental, social and economic aspects of developing and operating the airport.
"Blacktown, Liverpool and Campbelltown Councils - with differing views on the airport - are co-funding the review, which will be overseen by WSROC and MACROC," Penrith Mayor Ross Fowler OAM said. "This will ensure an unbiased report and it's great to see this cooperation by local government on behalf of our region."
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Tuesday, 26 May 2015.